Love at First Sight?

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Third Person POV:

Sam woke up like usual and did his morning lineup. Once he was done, he then grabbed his bag along with his stepsisters and drove them to school. As he got to their lockers, Sarah and Grace, the twins' friends, came. "Omg Brit, Ash, did y'all hear?" Grace said. "Ew, what is he doing here?!" Sarah said as she looked at Sam with disgust. "Oh, he's just our personal assistant," Brittany answered. "Whatever," Sarah said while rolling her eyes at Sam. "Anyways, did you hear that Colby is starting school today?" Sam's eyes widened in amusement as he tried to hear their conversation. "Well? What are you waiting for? Scram!" Ashley hissed as she and Brittany took their bags. Sam then ran off to his locker before getting yelled at by his stepsisters.

Once Sam got to his locker, he noticed Jake and Corey waiting for him. "Hey, Brother," Corey greeted. "Hey guys, did you hear that Colby is starting school today?" Sam asked them. "Yeah, how did you know?" Jake asked. "I heard Sarah and Grace talking to the twins," Sam replied. "Wait, they saw you with them?" Corey asked. "Yeah but Brittany lied and said I was their 'personal assistant'," Sam said. "Anyways, is it true?"

"It sure is Brother, he might arrive at any," Jake was then cut off as screams were heard. "-minute," Jake said as all three boys looked at Colby walking down the hallway. Instantly, Sam's heart began to beat a million beats per minute as he dreamily looked at him. Soon enough, Colby looked at them and instantly made sudden eye contact with Sam. As soon as Colby saw him, he smiled and sent Sam a small wink. Sam instantly began blushing like crazy.

Sam's POV:

Oh god, he just winked at me! I internally screamed as I rested against my locker as I happily smiled. "Wow Sam, you guys haven't even talked yet and he's already fallen for you," Corey smirked. I immediately began to blush. "You guys know I have no chance with him. Besides, he was probably being nice," I told them. "Uh-huh, sure," Jake said while smirking at me. I just sigh as I grabbed my things and walked with Jake and Corey to class

Time Skip

It was now lunchtime and I was walking to the cafeteria as I daydreamed about Colby. Since I was distracted, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and I accidentally crashed into someone's locker door. "Ow!" I groaned as I fell on my butt. "Oh, are you ok?" someone asked me. I then looked up and I froze as I realized it was Colby. "Y-Yeah I'm f-fine," I stuttered.

Colby then gave me his hand and I took it as he helped me up. "I-I should really stop having my head up in the clouds," I nervously chuckled. "Yeah, we really don't need you getting hurt again," Colby said. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the twins glaring at me with jealousy on their faces as they walked my way. "I-I think I should get going," I said as I ran away. "Ok, See You Later I Guess!" I hear Colby shout at me.

I then turned the corner about to enter the cafeteria when I was stopped by my stepsisters. "Why were you talking to Colby?" Ashley asked me as she shoved me against the wall. "I-I accidentally bumped into him," I responded. "This better be the last time we see you with him," Brittany said. " 'Cause if we see you with him again then we'll have mom lock you in the closet again," Ashley threatened. "No, don't make me go back in there!" I begged. The last time I was locked in the closet was pretty recent. It was all because of a simple mistake I did. I was locked in the closet for a week without food or water with only a bucket for a toilet. Which is why I'm now claustrophobic.

"Then do as we say or else!" Brittany hissed. "O-ok fine I won't get close to him," I told them. "Good," Ashley sneered. I was then let go and I ran into the cafeteria. I then grabbed my lunch and quickly walked to my table. "Hey Sam," Jake greeted me as I sat down. "H-Hey Jake," I responded as I quickly wrapped my lunch in my paper towel and slipped it into my bag. "Hey Sam, you ok?" Corey asked as he and Jake noticed my uneasiness. I sigh as I explain everything to them.

"Damn dude, you just can't get a break can you?" Jake asked. "Nope," I sadly replied.

Colby's POV:

My friend Elton and I were walking home from school and we were talking about my first day at Westbrook High. "So did you make any friends besides me?" Elton asked me. "Nope," I answered. "I still can't believe your mom let you come," Elton said. "Well, that's because I pretty much forced her," I replied. "You know if my dad were here he would've sent my mom to an insane asylum and let me have a normal life." "Yeah I know," Elton said.

"Anyways I did meet a cute blonde boy," I told Elton. For those who don't know, I'm bi. The only ones who know are my mom and my best friend Elton. Elton and I met when he used to work as a photography assistant three years ago. He quit last year and began doing Vines and YouTube. When I came out to my mom this year, she didn't really accept me that much. She told me if anyone found out, my career will be over.

"So what's his name?" Elton asked me. "I don't know, I didn't get to ask him," I responded. "Ok, so how did you guys meet?" I then explained everything that happened and how the blonde left quickly. "Hmm weird," Elton said. "Oh well, I'll probably see him again at school," I replied while shrugging my shoulders. Soon enough I was now in front of my house. "Well, I got to go. See you Elty," I waved. "See ya, Colbs," Elton said as he waved back.

"So how did it go? Did all the girls fall for you?" My mom asked as I walked in and shut the door behind me. "It was fine and yes all the girls fell for me," I replied while rolling my eyes at her. "Don't roll your eyes at me young man!" my mom said as she glared at me. "Whatever, anyways I was thinking if I could have a partner. Someone my age I could hang out with during photoshoots and maybe fall in love with?" I mentioned.

"You know your agent and I were talking and we decided to find you a girl to work with," my mom responded. "Why a girl? Why not a guy?" I asked her. "You already know why Cole," my mom answered. "Besides, this chosen girl will also be your girlfriend." "So you're saying that I can't choose my own lover?" I asked her with slight anger in my voice. "No," my mom responded. "Now wash up, dinner is ready."

I sigh as I go and wash up for dinner. After dinner, I did my homework while listening to music. After I finished I then got myself ready for bed. I sigh as I fell asleep thinking about the cute blonde boy from earlier. 

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