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Third Person POV:

Sam was talking with his friends when his stepsisters showed up. "Come peasant, we need you for something," Ashley said. Sam sighed as he followed his stepsisters out of the cafeteria. "Ugh! I can't believe they chose Samantha!" Brittany hissed. "I know they could've chosen someone as beautiful as us!" Ashley added.

Sam just stood there as his stepsisters unwillingly insulted him. "The reason you're here peasant is so we can express our anger on you," Ashley said. Sam's eyes widened as he looked at them. The last time his stepsisters took out their anger on him was when they couldn't get a car until their birthday. Poor Sam ended up having bruises for a while.

Ashley and Brittany both grabbed the poor boy and each slapped him twice across the face. They then shoved the boy to the floor and kicked him nonstop. "Ah I feel better already," Ashley said as she and Brittany stopped kicking Sam. "Same, now let's get back to the cafeteria," Brittany said.

Poor Sam winced in pain as he slowly got up. "Are you ok?" Sam looked to see a concerned Colby looking at him. "Y-Yeah I'm fine," Sam lied as he faked a smile. However, Colby still managed to see the hand marks on the boy's face. "Are you sure? 'Cause those marks on your face say otherwise," Colby mentioned.

Sam's eyes widened as he looked at him. "Y-Yeah I'm fine. I-I have to go," Sam said as he ran into the cafeteria straight to his table. Once he got there, he sat down and laid his head in his arms. "Sam, are you ok?" Corey asked. "Yeah Bro what happened?" Jake also asked. Sam sighs as he lifts his face to show them. Both Corey and Jake's eyes widened.

"Did your stepsisters do that?" Corey asked. Sam just nodded his head as he looked down. "But why?" Jake asked. "They were mad that Samantha won so they took their anger out on me," Sam replied. "Wait, did they kick you again?" Corey asked. Sam once again, just nodded his head. "It's no big deal, I'm used to it. What made me somewhat panic is that Colby saw my face and asked if I was ok. So I lied and said yes and I ran away from him again," Sam explained.

Both boys then hugged the poor blonde as he hugged them back. Suddenly, the bell rang so all three boys got up and dumped their trays, and went to class. The rest of the day, Sam just tried to focus on their plan.

Colby's POV:

Throughout my classes, I couldn't stop thinking about Sam and why he had hand marks on his face. I realized that whenever I meet and talk to him, he's either hurt or sad. I remember when I went to go check on him that day when he tripped and that girl yelled at him. I was curious about who they were to him since I always see him with them.

I just want to see him smile like the first time we met. Not going to lie, I kinda miss seeing him smile. My mind suddenly switched to Samantha. I don't know who she is but I know for a fact she looks so familiar. That was one reason why I chose her. The second was because her answers were the only ones that were sincere and sweet. Not to mention that she was humble and didn't care about my status.

Every other girl either said money and fame were a bonus or that they would love to be rich and famous. Also, every girl's ideal date was a fancy restaurant, and money was spent on them. Which is why I didn't pick any of them.

Next Day

Sam's POV:

I was at my locker getting my things for first-period when my phone buzzed. I checked to see that I had gotten a text from Colby. So I checked to see what he wanted.


Hey Samantha, today's our first photoshoot. It's at Wicker Park at 4.

I then responded by saying that I'll meet him there. As I put my phone away, I realized the plan starts today. "Hey Sam," I turn to see my friends walking my way. "Guys," I called once they were in front of me. "Colby texted saying that today's our first photoshoot at four!" I told them. "That means we start our plan today!" Corey said. "Well no duh," I responded. "Ok Jake and I will text Tara and Devyn to meet at my house so we can get you ready," Corey said. "Ok, I'll just get home and tell my stepmom about our lie," I responded.

Time Skip

I had just gotten home from school just in time to see my stepmom waiting for us. I gulped as I felt myself getting nervous. "Excuse me ma'am, but I was wondering if I can go to Corey's house to work on our art project?" I asked with hope in my voice. "No," she responded. "Oh please ma'am, this project is due within two to four weeks. We have to work outside of school," I begged. "Fine, just have your location on so I know that you're not lying." "Oh thank you, ma'am," I replied. "Just make dinner before you leave," she demanded.

Once I got to Corey's, I was then pulled inside and dragged into his room. Immediately Tara handed me my clothes and I went to the bathroom to change. I came out wearing a pink-tied crop top with Angel written on it along with some blue jeans and white socks and shoes. I also had a white belt to match. Once I was dressed, Devyn did my makeup and helped put on my wig. "Ok, done," Devyn said after applying the setting spray.

I then left my phone with my location on. Corey drove me to the park. Once we got there he gave me his phone. He had Jake tell the others to not text me and that I'll text when I'm done. I then thanked Corey as I ran to find Colby. Once I found him, I then ran up to him. "I'm here," I smiled. "Ok, great," Mr.Alexander said. "Now for today's photoshoot, we're going to be doing a few poses."

A/N: These are a few of the poses that Sam and Colby did

A/N: These are a few of the poses that Sam and Colby did

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Throughout our photoshoot, Colby and I not only become comfortable with each other but we also couldn't stop playing and laughing. Not going to lie this was the happiest I've ever been. 

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