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Sam's POV:

Once Colby left, I then let the tears flow free. "Sam, are you ok?" Corey asked. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine I just needed a minute," I sadly replied. "Sorry that happened to you bubba," Jake said. "I-It's fine, I'm used to being yelled at. I'm just not used to being humiliated in front of everyone," I replied as I wiped my tears away.

"Well, if I were to be honest, I think Colby does like you," Jake said. "I don't think so," I replied. "Sam, he came in here to check up on you," Corey added. "He probably did it to be nice or friendly," I said. "Anyways, I'm going to get my gym shirt." "Already got it for you brother," Jake replied as he gave me my gym shirt. "Thanks," I replied while smiling at him.

Time Skip

It was now the end of the day and I was now holding my stepsisters' bags. "Alright peasant, go take our bags and wait for us in the car," Ashley ordered. I nodded my head as I ran to her car. Once I got to her car, I then put all three of our bags in the trunk. I then felt my phone buzz. I then took out my phone and saw I had a message from Devyn.


Sam, we're ready for you!

I then remembered the crazy plan my friends made for me. I sigh as I locked Ashley's car. I then walked back inside and made my way to the Janitor's closet from earlier. Once I got there, Tara and Devyn were already there waiting for me. "Ok, I'm here," I said. "Great, let's get started," Tara said. Instantly they both gave me some clothes. Both Tara and Devyn turned around so I could get dressed. "Ok done," I said once I was all dressed.

The outfit they gave me was a long-sleeve shirt with a pastel purple short-sleeve shirt on top and some blue high waisted jeans. "Great now for the makeup!" Devyn said. Soon enough Devyn finished. "So what do you think?" Devyn asked as she handed me her compact mirror. I was shocked when I saw my reflection. I actually liked the pastel purple eyeshadow look she did. "Ok, now one last thing," Tara said as she came with a blonde wig and white Nikes. "There, now you're done."

"Now go, the guys already signed you up and they're waiting for you outside," Devyn said as she pushed me out of the closet. "Woah Sam!" I then turned around to see Jake and Corey with shocked faces. "I-Is it bad?" I asked them. "Bad? Brother, you look hot!" Jake answered. "Yeah dawg, you look good," Corey added. "Thanks, now we better get going," I told them.

Third Person POV:

Once all three boys got to the auditions, they immediately got in line. "God, I'm scared," Sam said as his heart was beating in his chest. "Don't worry Sam, you'll do great," Corey assured him. "Yeah brother, you're a shoo win," Jake added. "Samantha Smith!" a lady called. "Good luck brother," Jake and Corey said in unison. Sam took a deep breath as he walked up to the lady.

Immediately, everyone looked at him as people began to whisper about who this girl was. "Samantha?" the lady asked. "Uh, yup that's me," Sam answered in a high-pitched voice. (Think of the Samantha and Colleen vids) "Ok, come with me," the lady said as she led Sam to where Colby was. "Ok, Samantha, this is Lawrence Alexander. He's the owner of Modeling Masquerade."

"Hello, Ms.Smith," Mr.Alexander greeted. "Um, hello," Sam greeted. "Now, is this your first time modeling?" Mr.Alexander asked. "Yes, sir," Sam answered truthfully. "Ok, now just relax while I ask you a few questions," Mr.Alexander explained. Sam nodded his head. After Sam was done answering questions, Colby came out and his heart began beating nonstop.

Instantly Colby looked at him as he smiled at him. "Hello," Colby greeted. "Um, hi," Sam answered. "Now Ms.Smith, I'm sure you're aware of who Colby is correct?" Mr.Alexander asked. "Y-Yes sir," Sam replied. "Ok, well Colby is going to ask you a set of questions and then you'll be done," Mr.Alexander explained. "O-ok sir," Sam replied. Once Mr.Alexander left, Colby gestured for Sam to sit in front of him.

"Hello, I'm Colby as you already know and you are?" Colby asked. "Samantha," Sam answered. "Well, Samantha, you look familiar, have we met before?" Colby asked. "I-I don't think so," Sam replied with a giggle. "Alright then, I'm guessing the questions they asked were modeling and work-based correct?" Colby asked. "Yes," Sam replied. "Well Samantha, I'm looking for a partner to not only hang out with but possibly fall in love with. So I'm going to ask you some questions," Colby explained.

Sam became even more nervous. "Ok so question number one, what is your ideal date?" Colby asked. Sam thought for a moment. "Anything romantic and sweet really, like a walk down the beach, getting ice cream, stuff like that," Sam answered. "Ok and how about what you look for in a guy?" Colby asked. "Well I prefer someone who has a sweet and goofy personality as well that has a good heart," Sam replied. "But how about looks?" Colby asked. "Well, I don't really care about looks because it's what's on the inside that counts," Sam replied with a smile.

"Ok last question, would you date anyone for money or fame?" Colby asked. "Of course not, I prefer to date someone for love not for money," Sam answered. "So you wouldn't date me for my fame or money?" Colby asked. "Of course not, I would date you for being you. I can tell that you're a really sweet guy and that you have a good heart. Besides, my parents taught me to appreciate what I have," Sam answered. Colby thanked Sam as he wished him good luck. Sam thanked him and left with a small smile on his face.

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