The Contest

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Sam's POV:

I had just walked into school while following the twins to their lockers and I saw everyone gossiping. I was curious as to what got everyone talking. "Ok, Now Scram!" I heard Brittany snap. I then scurried off to my locker. As I opened my locker, the school's intercoms came on.

"Good morning mighty badgers! I have a special announcement. Tomorrow after school, Colby Brock will be hosting casting calls for his future modeling partner. Any young girl who is interested is welcome to join us for auditions tomorrow after school. Have a good rest of your day badgers."

Once the announcement was over, I then began grabbing my things for class. "Sam!" I then turn to look at Jake and Corey running my way. "Hey guys," I greeted. "Sam did hear?" Corey asked me. "You mean the announcement? Yeah, what about it?" I asked. "Sam this could be your one chance to be with him," Jake said.

"Um, didn't you both hear? Only girls can go. Even if I magically turn into a girl and magically get the gig, what would I tell my stepmom and stepsisters?" I mentioned. Instantly both Jake and Corey looked at each other with huge grins on their faces. "Actually Sam, that's not a bad idea," Jake told me. "Whatever, let's get to class," I groaned.

Next Day

I was speed walking from my locker when I was suddenly pulled into a Janitor's closet. I look to see Jake and Corey along with their girlfriends Tara and Devyn. "Tara? Devyn? What are you guys doing here, shouldn't you be in school?" I asked. "Yeah, but the teachers at our school had a teacher meeting so school was canceled for the day," Tara replied. "Ok but still why are guys here and what's going on?" I asked.

"Corey and Jake told us about you liking Colby and about yesterday's announcement," Tara responded. I groaned as I facepalm. "Anyways, after mentioning your idea, we decided to help turn you into a girl for the auditions," Devyn explained. "What?! I didn't actually mean it!" I shrieked. "Doesn't matter 'cause we're making it happen," Tara grinned at me. "Anyways, Tara and I are going shopping for some clothes and I'll just bring my makeup from home," Devyn said.

"We just need to know which style you prefer. Like girly, aesthetic (soft pastels), or emo/punk," Tara said. "I don't really know," I replied. "Well here's girly," Devyn said while showing me outfits that should be worn by the girls of Mean Girls. "Uh, yeah no," I said as I gave Devyn back her phone. "Ok, how about aesthetic?" Devyn asked again while showing me her phone. "Hmm, maybe," I replied. "Or do you prefer emo/punk?" Tara said as she showed me her phone.

"Um, I think I'll go with aesthetic," I replied. "Ok great, now for a girl name," Tara said. "Oh, I got it, Samantha!" Devyn squealed. "Ok but what about the last name?" I asked. "How about Samantha Smith?" Tara asked. "I guess that'll have to do," I replied. "Great then we'll see you after school," Tara and Devyn said as they pushed me out along with Corey and Jake. "Well, seeing that we missed first-period, we might as well just go to second," I sigh as we walk to class.

Third Person POV:

Sam couldn't concentrate during his classes since all he thought about was the mess he got himself into. Sam sighs as he walks to the cafeteria. "Hey!" Sam turned to see Colby walking up to him. "Um, hi," Sam replied shyly. "So, um, I never got your name," Colby said. "Oh, um, it's Samuel b-but I prefer Sam," Sam replied as a small blush appeared on his face.

"Well, Sam, did you manage not to get hurt today?" Colby asked with a smirk on his face. "Y-Yeah, I did," Sam replied as his blush grew bigger. Suddenly, Sam spotted his stepsisters coming around the corner. "W-well, it was nice talking to you b-but I have to go," Sam said as he once again ran away from Colby. Leaving a poor confused Colby standing there.

Before Sam entered the cafeteria he was stopped by his stepsisters. Sam gulped as he saw them. "What did we tell you about you being with Colby!" Ashley snapped at him. "I-I'm sorry, but he just came up to me wanting to know my name," Sam replied. "Whatever peasant, now if you don't want us to tell mom, then you must do as we say. Got it?" Brittany hissed. The poor boy just nodded his head. "Good, now come and carry our lunches," Ashley ordered.

Sam sighs as he follows his stepsisters into the cafeteria. Both girls grabbed lunch and handed them to the boy. Sam softly huffed as he carried both lunches. However, Sam didn't realize his left shoe was untied. As Sam walked, he accidentally stepped on his shoelace and tripped while dumping his stepsisters' lunches all over him. Soon enough the whole cafeteria laughed at him.

"Look What You Did, Peasant!" Brittany yelled. "I-I'm sorry, I'll get you guys another one," Sam said with guilt in his eyes. "Well, hurry up, we're starving!" Ashley snapped. Sam nodded his head as he saw his shoelace and quickly tied his shoe. He then put the trays in the tray cart and ran to get two more lunches for the twins. After explaining everything to the lunch ladies, they agreed and gave him two more lunches.

Sam then ran to his stepsisters' table and handed them their lunch. All the while his face was tomato red due to embarrassment. Sam then ran out of the cafeteria and went to clean himself up. A few tears slipped down the poor boy's face as he cleaned himself up. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Sam looked up to see none other than Colby.

Sam looked down as he threw away the dirty towel and was about to leave. "Hey, Sam, are you ok?" Colby asked as he stopped the boy by grabbing his right wrist. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine," Sam answered as he still looked down. Colby then turned him around and gently lifted his chin, "then why are you crying?" Sam just stood there not saying anything. "Sam?" Colby called again. Sam huffed, "f-for no reason," Sam replied with sadness in his voice. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened and Sam saw Jake and Corey.

Sam managed to slip from Colby's grip as he ran to his friends' arms. They both hugged the boy as he tried his best to hold in his tears. "You can go now, we got this," Corey said while sending a small smile to Colby. Colby nodded his head, "ok, just wanted to make sure he's ok." "Don't worry he's fine. He just needs a minute that's all," Jake replied with a smile on his face. "Ok, well, see you later Sam," Colby said as he walked out of the bathroom

Samantha (A Solby Cinderella Story)Where stories live. Discover now