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A/N: Sam and Colby's photoshoot was inspired by this TFIL video of them doing Silks. 

Third Person POV:

For two weeks Sam has practically been living a double life. So far, since no one has suspected a thing, Sam became happy and enjoyed being with Colby. During school, since Colby and Sam had Geometry together, they were assigned to work together on the assigned packet which was due toward the end of the week.

Since they couldn't work outside of school for obvious reasons, they both agreed to work during class and during lunch. So far things were going great until one day, Marisa started to sense that Sam was doing something behind her back. She then had the twins go ask Sam's teacher about the 'assignment'.

Colby's POV:

These two weeks were the best weeks of my life. The more I talk to Sam and hang with Samantha, the more I realize how similar of a bond I have with them. It's as if they're almost the same person. However, one's shy and outgoing while the other is shy and secretive.

I began to write down the possible similarities each one had. So far I have a list and from what I can conclude, they seem to be a perfect match. But yet again, it could be a coincidence. I'm at the park talking to Elton and I decided to ask him about the situation. "Hey Elton, can I ask you something?" I asked. "Sure bud, what's up?" I then explained to him everything about Sam and Samantha and how I feel like they're the same person.

"Hmm, well from what I can tell, they seem like the same person," Elton said. "But how can I know that they're the same person?" I asked him. "I have no idea dude," Elton replied. I sigh as I need to find a way.

Sam's POV:

I had just finished a photoshoot with Colby, where we had to do silks (The video above). Luckily, Devyn secured my wig before I came cause then my identity would be revealed. I was getting my pendant since I took it off before shooting. I was grabbing it from my bag when "hey Samantha?" I quickly turned as I put my hands behind me and tried to put back my pendant in my purse.

"Uh, yeah?" I answered. "Well, I was wondering if you would like to go out with me?" Colby asked. My heart immediately began beating really fast. However, before I could answer Corey's phone rang. I dropped my pendant and right away turned and grabbed Corey's phone. I saw that it was Corey calling from Devyn's phone. "Sorry I need to take this," I told him.

Colby nodded his head as he walked away giving me space to answer. "Hello?" I answered as I turned around. "Sam, your stepmom is coming to pick you up in less than thirty minutes," Corey said. "What?!" I responded as I slightly panicked. "Devyn and I are coming to pick you up so you can remove the makeup and wig and you can just change your clothes at Jake's." "Oh ok," I said. "Ok well we're here," Corey added. "I'll be right there," I told him as I hung up.

I then put Corey's phone in my purse and zipped it up. "So about the date?" Colby asked as I turned around. "Sorry but I really have to go but um maybe next time?" I told him with a small smile on my face. "Ok yeah, sure," Colby answered. I then kissed his cheek as I waved him bye.

Once I got into the back seat, Devyn handed me wipes and so I quickly wipe off the makeup and she quickly help take off my wig. Once we got to Jake's house, I quickly changed back to my old clothes just in time. I saw on my phone that my stepmom was five minutes away.

Short Third Person POV:

What Sam didn't know is that when he tried to put his pendant away, he accidentally dropped it to the ground just as Corey's phone rang.

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