Chapter Eight

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Dedicated to monali2000

2nd Nov 2013

Ridhi called Arnav, Adwetha, Manasvi and Viki and asked them to meet her at the canteen as she had something important to tell them. Adwetha and Manasvi went to the canteen early and were waiting for the rest of them. Ridhi and Viki joined them after a few minutes but Arnav was nowhere to be found. Manasvi insisted that Ridhi should say what the matter was as she could not wait anymore but Ridhi would not reveal anything until Arnav joined them.

Arnav was not willing to meet them, especially Ridhi. He had been avoiding her since the day she reveled about her relationship with Sid. Even today, he thought of giving some excuse and not joining them but they called him repeatedly and insisted he comes so he could not deny them.

'Okay guys, as all of us are here, I will now tell you what the matter is.' Ridhi began as soon as Arnav entered and sat next to Viki. 'As you already know, last week Sid and I talked to our parents about our relationship, now they have not only accepted our relationship but also...they have planned to get us married next month!'

'Are you serious' Viki asked in a tone of shock infused surprise.

'Do you think I could be joking about a serious matter like this?'

'Congratulations Ridhi.' Adwetha wished and hugged Ridhi. Even Viki and Manasvi congratulated her.

Arnav took some time to digest what he heard. Finally, he managed to mutter a "congratulations" under his breath and left, unable to stand there anymore.

Poor Arnav. First Ridhi's boyfriend and now her marriage. What all does he have to bear?
Read on to find out what's waiting for him


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