Chapter Thirteen

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9th Apr 2017

Arnav took a few seconds to digest all of it. 'Why didn't you tell us this all these years Adwetha? Okay, forget it. Tell me where is Ridhi. I want to meet her.' Arnav asked in an excited voice.

'After the incident, she moved to Goa where she had a childhood friend who owned a company. She took a job in her friend's company and started working here. In course of time, she gave birth to a baby girl. I used to come to Goa to visit her. She used to work and also take care of the baby single handedly.'

'Oh! Then is she in Goa now? Come on take me to her I want to meet her and her baby right now. By the way what is her baby's name?' Arnav asked.

'No, she was in Goa three years back not anymore.'

'Oh, did she shift to some other city?' he asked, disappointed.

'Three years ago, sh-she pa-passed away in a road accident.' Adwetha said and waited for Arnav's response but he was dumbstruck. Adwetha shook him by his shoulders 'Arnav, speak?'

'How could she did? What happened to her? Why did you hide it all these years?' he asked, tears stained his cheeks.

'I'm sorry. I should have told this to you before but I had promised her so...'

He took a deep breath before speaking 'W-where is her daughter now?'

'A care taker looks after Tansi now and...'

'Oh, is her name Tansi?'

'Yeah, Tansi. Princess is what it means. Ridhi selected the name. She searched a lot for a nice name' Arnav smiled. 'Right now, I take care of Tansi as a mother and I come here often to meet her. And when you came here, I was talking to the care taker.'

Arnav was moved. He held Adwetha by her shoulder 'Why didn't you tell me all this? I agree that you were keeping your promise but you could have told us after she died. Why did you hide everything from us? Do you think that only you are concerned about her? You didn't trust us?'

'No Arnav I did not feel that way but how could I introduce to the world a daughter of a mother who was dead 3 years ago?'

'You thought we wouldn't believe you?'

'No but I thought of what would happen if I were to tell the truth. I thought of how people will treat the child and what problems she would have to face in life.'

Arnav couldn't speak for a moment. Sentences formed in his mind but died before they came out of his mouth. Finally he spoke out 'Alright, what has happened has happened and now nobody can change it. Now stop worrying about what will happen in the future and disclose the truth to everyone.'

'Yes, even I was thinking of doing it so I started by talking to you.' Adwetha wiped her tears, held Arnav's wrist and pulled him to his legs 'Come, let us go and meet my daughter.'

Adwetha took Arnav to the place where Ridhi's daughter, Tansi was staying with Radha, the care taker. As soon as Tansi saw Adwetha, she came running and hugged her. 'Mumma you have come to meet me just the way you had promised. Thank you very much. I love you a lot.' Tansi said, kissing Adwetha.

'I love you too my princess' Adwetha said, returning the kiss.

Tansi saw Arnav and asked Adwetha 'Mumma, who is this?' and before Adwetha could answer, she said 'Wait I remember. He is Ridhi mumma's best friend Arnav. Am I right?'

'Yes babygirl, I am both your Ridhi and Adwetha mumma's best friend.' Arnav told as he touched her tender cheeks. He bent down and hugged her. Tansi kissed him on his cheeks and told him that he was very sweet.

Adwetha and Arnav played with Tansi and helped her color a picture. While Tansi was coloring, she had to take some colors from a bag which was next to Arnav. She wanted to ask him to give her that bag but she did not know how to address him so she asked him 'What do you want me to call you?' and before he could answer, she said 'Wait, let me decide... Papa. From now on I will call you pappa. Pappa can you give me that bag.' Both Arnav and Adwetha were shocked. Arnav didn't know how to react so he simply passed the bag to her.

'But Tansi, you cannot address him as papa.' Adwetha told curtly.

'Please mumma allow me to call him papa. I have seen my friends' fathers and they are exactly like him. He takes care of me like a father. Didn't you see, while we were playing, I was about to fall and he came to my rescue. So allow me to address him as papa.'


'Please mumma allow me to address him as papa. You do not allow me to do anything as per my wish. Please at least grant this wish of mine.'

Adwetha turned towards Arnav and he nodded. Tansi saw that and said 'See even pappa has given me permission. Now you must allow me.' Adwetha could not say no to the most adorable puppy dog eyes so she reluctantly accepted.

When they had had dinner and Adwetha and Arnav were leaving, Tansi called out to Adwetha. She came running towards her and fell down. Adwetha and Arnav ran to her and lifted her up. Tansi hugged Adwetha and started to weep. Adwetha took her into her arms 'M-Mumma p-please take me along with you. I do not feel good staying here away from you. You always t-turn down my request.' she said sobbing. Adwetha rubbed her back and tried to console her.

Tansi then pulled at Arnav's shirt 'Papa at least you tell mumma to take me along. I do not want to stay here.'

Radha who had been silently watching everything, finally spoke out 'Yes madam, take her along with you. Sometimes, she wakes up at night and weeps inconsolably. She misses you very much. If I look after her, I may get salary but I say this from my heart, she feels vacuum inside her without you. Only when you come, she will be full of life. Please madam, take her along with you.'

Adwetha turned towards Arnav to seek his suggestion. Arnav nodded and gave her his silent approval.
Adwetha wiped Tansi's tears and said 'Okay princess, we will take you along with us.'

'Thank you mumma. I will go and bring my things right now' Tansi said and turned to go to her room in excitement. Adwetha stopped her

'Princess, do not worry. It can wait. Let us come here tomorrow again and take your things. Now you come with us'


The others who had come with Adwetha and Arnav left after their work was done but Adwetha and Arnav stayed back. They took Tansi out and gave her the joy which she had been deprived of. They visited many places in Goa. Adwetha and Arnav just wanted to make Tansi happy. After 3 days, they returned to Bangalore.

Adwetha took Tansi to her home and told her parents everything. Her parents were beyond happy and proud of their daughter. They even said that they would be happy to accept Tansi as their granddaughter.
So, this is the last chapter for the year and the longest of all. Hope you all like it.

Wishing you all a very happy and prosperous new year in advance. I am all excited and curious about what the new year has got in the box for me. Are you excited too?

(I just finished reading After(1,2&3) by imaginator1D and I'm sooooo in love with it both the story and the way it is written. It is a must read for all book lovers. I just feel like starting it over from the first again.)

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