Don't Leave Again

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True to his words, Abhimanyu had reached Akshara's place on Thursday morning to pick her up. They'd both settled in his car and although quiet at first, Abhimanyu had asked about her new studio and then there was no stopping her. He was tremendously proud of her, in the last few years, she had worked part-time whilst completing her studies to save for a small office in the heart of the city where she could set up her music therapy studio.

He knew about her comfortable family background and that they would have supported her financially but he also knew her stubborn and independent heart. She wanted to do it herself.

Upon reaching their first destination, IKEA, Akshara had told him she'd be right back and a moment later she'd returned holding two cups of takeaway drinks and a bag. She handed him his large double-shot espresso, no sugar with a whole wheat croissant she had bought him.

He quickly took a drink and let the taste lather down his throat and then bit into his favourite croissant.

"How?" he asked wondering how she knew his exact order and that he needed coffee which he'd forgotten to have in the morning in a rush to see his Akshara.

She gave him a grin in return and shrugged her shoulders as she took a sip of her own small hot chocolate. He marvelled at her. Why was it incredibly hot that Akshara knew things about him that he wasn't aware of? They felt so domesticated.

In fact, that was only the start of it as they started shopping and Abhimanyu took full control of the trolley with her stuff and held each item as she picked it out. He moved her around to the side any time that he felt she was about to bump into anything and made sure she didn't carry a single thing.

They looked so much like husband and wife that an old lady blessed them making Akshara turn into the colour of beetroot and Abhimanyu laugh with pride.

Of course, travelling with Abhimanyu was also another thing as soon enough, a fan noticed him and a little crowd of 3-5 people formed wanting his autograph. Akshara stepped away but Abhimanyu grabbed her wrist stopping her from leaving him, "sorry guys, today I am on a different duty" Abhimanyu said pointing his head towards her as the crowd nodded and respectfully left.

Upon finishing at their first stop, they went to the pay station and Abhimanyu abruptly pulled out his card.

Akshara went ballistic "absolutely not, don't even think about it!" she said to him sternly. All nervous and shy Akshara was gone, Abhimanyu was entertained as he finally saw his sherni come out against him. The one he had witnessed numerous times in front of others, was a wall slowly breaking down? Had the year away accelerated things between them?

"Abhi I am not joking, I mean it" she threatened him again and he smiled knowing only she would have the authority to threaten him.


"No, you know how important this is for me to do myself... you know that I want it all to be from me so please.. "

"Akshara did I complain when you bought coffee and breakfast?" Abhi asked folding his arms and looking at her sternly.

She gulped but she knew she would not step down, "Abhi you know this is different.. please"

He sighed, gently cupping her cheek, a new fond gesture as he realised they had developed that space of comfort, something they did not have previously. "I know and this is not me saying you can't do it, I know you can. This is me asking you if I can celebrate your happiness too.." he whispered.

She melted on the spot, how does one reply to that?

"Oh Abhi, how do I tell you that you are my happiness," she thought to herself looking at the man she had adored all her life.

"Abhi please..." she said covering his hand that was currently touching her cheek with her own. As difficult as it was for her, she had to stand her ground which was difficult when it was Abhimanyu.

He nodded, understanding where she was coming from and respecting it tenfold. Who could understand better than him? He removed his hand gently. "Okay baba... compromise, let me get just one thing as a celebration present?" he asked and slowly she nodded in gratitude.


Hours later they found themselves settled in Akshara's studio. They had spent the day visiting other spots Akshara had on her list and then unravelling the items in her studio. Slowly she and Abhimanyu started setting it up as he attentively listened to her directions. There was no doubt in his mind, that for her, he would always listen and give in. She was the only one who could direct him the way she was. Not many others had that authority over him.

It was like that when they were younger too, they didn't speak much but if Akshara said something it would be Abhimanyu's mission to accomplish it.

The difference was that they were now finally getting to spend time alone both becoming increasingly aware of the intensity of their own feelings. Yet completely oblivious to each other.

They sat on the floor finishing up the takeaway food Abhimanyu had bought in making sure she kept herself fed, moving could be an arduous process. Just then, Abhimanyu's phone rang as he stepped outside to attend to it and meanwhile Akshara cleaned up their take-out food and put the rest of the touches to her studio.

When Abhimanyu came back, she knew his mood had changed. He looked occupied with something on his mind and she looked up at him worried from her new couch.

"Abhi... you okay na?" she said to him patting the spot next to her so he could sit down.

Abhi sat and turned to look at her giving her a small smile, "yes, just got called into an emergency surgery later tonight"

She felt her heart give out in sympathy. When would this man get some rest? She had insisted many times today that he go home but he stood next to her, not wanting to leave.

An idea popped into her head but she bit her lip, not knowing if she could do this. Shyness filled her back in. Her stomach tumbled back.

"Akshara?" he questioned seeing her deep in thought.

"You have to go soon right?" she asked him and he nodded giving her an apologetic look. She made up her mind, then on the spot.

She took a deep breath and grabbed his shoulders as he looked at her perplexed and she adjusted his posture so his head was laying in her lap.

"You never rest Abhi and I know you have to go soon but please, just rest here for a few minutes" she whispered massaging his forehead. Nerves filled her belly but him closing his eyes and sighing in contentment eased her instantly. He looked so relaxed, this face she'd known for as long as she could remember.

This was her man. Lying with his head in her lap.

They had not exchanged any special words.

But their bond was pure.

He was hers.

"Can you do something for me?" he asked huskily as she pressed the tips of her fingertips to his forehead and hummed slowly in the background. He felt emotional, too caught up in the fact that Akshara had finely maintained authority over him.

"Anything" she whispered back.

"Don't go again"

Do leave your comments and thoughts. The next part is my personal favourite. Till then!

N x

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