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Akshara unpacked the boxes in her new rental in Mumbai. She was physically, mentally, and emotionally numb. For the last 10 days, she had worked like a zombie. How she was functioning she was not sure of.

After a quick goodbye to her family, she moved to Mumbai without leaving room for an explanation. Everyone was confused, to say the least, and no one could put their finger on what had happened. She had just mentioned how it was important work calling her name and she had to leave.

Everyone was confused but bade papa especially was struggling to put his finger on what had happened between his beloved Abhimanyu and Akshara.

Having asked for space for the first time in her life, they had respected Akshara's choices leaving a void in all of their hearts. Somewhere knowing, that it was only a matter of time before she would be back. She can't stay away from him for that long.


Her entire existence felt numb.

She didn't even know what was the point of living anymore.

All she thought about all day was him. Where was he? What was he doing? Deleting numbers, and calls. It was all torture.

And she closed her eyes thinking about how much pain he must be enduring. How much she had hurt him.

But it was for your greater good Abhi. I hope you can understand one day. I will do anything for you Abhi. Kuch bhi. I can never be in your way.

She'd completely isolated herself. When was the last time she ate? When was the last time she slept properly? She couldn't tell you any of that. All she knew was that she was working like a robot and trying desperately to fit into this new life.

And she would see him everywhere. Everything reminded her of him.

"Don't leave again" his voice haunted her over and over. She would hear it in her sleep. She would hear it when she sat on the bus on the way to work. She would hear it echoing in the back of her mind with any spare moment she had. Overcome with tears, she clutched her chest, I'm sorry I broke the one promise I made to you Abhi. I love you madly.

It was as if tears were permanently etched on her face.

I can not live without you Abhi, tell me how to do this.

Her phone rang breaking her reverie, buzzing her sisters name over and over again. She picked it up, not uttering a single word for Arohi knew that her sister was not coping.

"Akshu... Abhi, he left for America" Arohi said and Akshara closed her eyes shut tight as tears rolled down her face. This is what she had wanted right? And somewhere she was really proud of him too.

She knew he would excel in this role.

"Akshu.. you okay?" Arohi said on the other line and Akshara frantically wiped her tears away.

"Yeah yeah I'm fine - why would I not be fine?" she said acting as if though the whole world did not know that her heart lived with that man.

"Akshu... come home" Arohi insisted, worried for her sister's well-being knowing that she should not be left alone at this time.

"Arohi I have to set up and unpack, there is a lot to do here" Akshara scolded knowing well that now that place had too many memories of her and Abhimanyu. How could she go there? She would not survive. It was hard as if it was.

"Akshu... Mimi is not well, you left, and now Abhi.. you know she loves him like a son. It is really hard for her" Arohi said.

"Mimi? What happened to Mimi?" Akshara paused in the middle of what she was doing.

Arohi bit her lip at the small white lies she was telling but someone had to do something, she could not watch her loved ones live like this. Especially not Abhimanyu and Akshara who were meant for each other.

"She is very feverish and is constantly asking for you," Arohi said praying to Krishna that she would be forgiven.

Akshara paused, she would always put her family first even if that meant that it would be difficult for her.

"I'm coming home," she said.

So Abhi has left for America. Expect another update in the evening hopefully!

N x 

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