Anything for you

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"Abhi.." Akshara moaned softly eyes closed and in another world. She was sitting on his lap in his office and the duo had just finished lunch and had just relocated to Abhimanyu's desk when they'd found themselves in this 'situation'. Abhimanyu was busy focusing on his next 'meal', peppering kisses down Akshara's collarbone, nipping at the sensitive spot just next to her neck.

His fingers found themselves up to the top of the blouse, beginning to unbutton the top when reality finally hit Akshara. They were at the hospital! Her eyes snapped open, grabbing his hand from going further because she knew they would not stop if they started.

"Abhi" she warned as he looked up at her upset that she'd pulled back "you have to head off to theatres in 15 minutes... DON'T even think about it"

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said innocently. Akshara slowly ran her hands over his face causing him to close his eyes in contentment.

"Oh really" she whispered seductively, getting close to his ear and nipping it gently knowing the effect it would have on him. Abhimanyu went to grab her closer and she leaped out of his arms, bending down kissing his cheek.

Abhimanyu snapped his eyes open as soon as her warmth left him.

"Okay bye," she giggled, grabbing her purse and running out, knowing very well she was leaving a very turned-on Abhimanyu behind.

"Akshara" he yelled frustrated and then threw his arms back smiling seeing her silhouette turn around and blow him a kiss before she turned the corner.

Oh, it was bad.

He was a total goner.

There was no denying it.

He had always known but now he was sure, he was made for Akshara.

He unlocked his desk drawer and ran his fingers over the velvet box that had sat there since her return. He had always respected tradition and he had already asked bade papa for her hand.

And so tonight was the night.

She was going to be his.



Akshara left his office with a spring in her step as the junior doctors, nursing team and staff acknowledged her. She blushed remembering how Rohin had approached her as 'Mrs Birla' the other day and she hadn't known what to do with herself.

She kept dreaming of that day. The day she'd get to be his forever. Abhi ki Akshu.

He had been everything to her for as long as she remembered. Even when she was younger and he was the hotshot at school. She'd dreamed of and wondered if he'd ever be hers. Even in Mumbai, when anyone tried to approach her, she would tell them off straight away and respond that she was already someone else's.

Simply put it, Akshara had never thought about a man outside of her Abhimanyu, she had only known him and loved him for god knows how long. She could do anything for him. His happiness meant the world to her.

She didn't know if it was craziness or madness, but her extent of love for him meant that she was willing to do anything just for his one smile.

Which is why she abruptly stopped when she heard his name in one of the rooms. She pressed herself against the doorway and listened to the voices.

She recognised them instantly because it was none other than her beloved taya and tayiji, Mahima and Anand. She shared such a close bond with all of the Birla family members. She was about to barge in when she heard Mahima's voice.

"It is a shame that Abhi has refused the offer from the Mayo Clinic... I mean it is the best hospital in the world and they are temporarily offering him the chance to be the new dean of Cardiothoracics" she heard Mahima say. Akshara's eyes scrunched up... Mayo Clinic?

She had remembered when they were younger and Abhimanyu had mentioned that it was his dream to work there someday... and here he was being offered the DEAN of Cardiothoracics?! Her jaw dropped. Why had he not told her? He had not even mentioned it? And why on Earth was he refusing the position?

Anger pulsated through Akshara's veins as she tried to calm down, she was not normally like this but when it came to Abhimanyu, she took all matters seriously.

"Try to understand Mahima" Anand said slowly, "do you see how happy he has been over the last couple of months? Since Akshara's return, he has not stopped blossoming.. the kid has a swing in his step, and he is the happiest he's ever been. He would have to leave all of this, all of us, her behind for at least a whole year, and who knows how much longer after that. He can not even take her with him because he will be traveling around every week with the role."

Akshara gasped, covering her mouth as she felt like she was choking, realisation dawning on her. Horrified she shook her head, refusing to believe it was true "no" she whispered to herself "no Abhi, you can't do this for me"

"Anand it's not that, I love Akshara like my daughter.. she is my child. Seeing them both makes me so proud and happy." Mahima said, "but as a doctor.. I can not understand his refusal. Not many get this chance. In fact, no one gets this chance."

"Mahima p-"

"And the two will probably get married anyways, so what is the rush?" Mahima asked.

Akshara felt her entire insides revolt. She was going to throw up. There was no way. She could not accept this. How could she? She clutched her chest, breathing becoming difficult as the second passed.

She ran away from the spot, deciding she could not listen anymore. Running far away, her knees gave out as she crumpled to the floor, tears storming down her face.

"Abhi" she cried.


Later that same night, Akshara sat in her car, tear stains covering her cheeks as she felt numb and thoughts of the conversation between Mahima and Anand flashed before her face.

"I'll never be in your way Abhi" she decided.

She dialed a number that had called her many times over the past week, doing something she knew would break her.

"Hello... is this the recording studio in Mumbai? I will accept the position you guys offered me last month for music therapy. I can move from next week".

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