I need you

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"Still clumsy" he whispered smoothing the hair that had found its way over her eyes. He knew he shouldn't but he really couldn't help himself.

And as soon as he did, he was met with her precious gaze. The way his heart lurched. He was not going to survive without her, he knew it.

He had wondered so often what she was up to over the past year. They had never had the type of relationship where they texted or called. For the first time, he had felt himself lacking wondering why he could not have that relationship with her when it was so easy for the rest of his family members.

Instead, he found himself paying extra attention to the conversations in his family, waiting for her name to be mentioned. After all, she was treated like a daughter by his family, they had all missed her.

But not more than him.

No, no one would understand the pain Abhi had endured.

He had moved out of home a few years back, buying an apartment next to the hospital for ease of work, and being the private man that he was, he required his space. But more often than usual, he found himself back at his family home or at the Goenka's just to get glimpses of her.

And now she was back.

He had to make sure she knew. Knew of the state of his heart.

So she never left again.

"Abhi..." she whispered again, her trembling hand reaching up and cupping his cheek. She knew she shouldn't but she really couldn't help herself as she tried her hardest to prevent tears from welling up. She couldn't believe it. She had just missed him so much.

His eyes closed at her touch. Their bond really was special, no one would understand it. Not even them.

They had never been like this. So touchy. But they both silently understood this is what the other needed right now.

"You're home" he whispered opening his eyes and softening as they laid down on her. He wasn't sure if he was saying it to her or to confirm it for himself.

"I'm home" she confirmed as their eyes met and this time the tears welled.

And he instantly brushed them away from her eyes with the pads of his thumb. "Stop" he hushed.

"Abhi Akshara.. please come eat, the food is getting cold and we have lots we all need to catch up on"

A voice broke both of them out of their reverie as they realised where they were. Startled, Abhimanyu stabilised Akshara on her feet and they both moved apart. Recognising the voice, Akshara smiled, momentarily distracted again. She had to brace herself for all the happiness.

"Manjari Ma..." she smiled running towards the voice and Abhi's heart swelled up observing the love his Akshara had for his beloved Mother. Akshara stopped her running and turned around facing him again communicating with her eyes "you're coming right?"

The doe-eyed look tugged at all his heartstrings. "Oh akshu how did I survive this past year?" he thought to himself.

He gave her a silent nod, communicating back with his eyes "Haan baba".


Everyone sat around the massive Goenka dinner table, normally only used when the two families reunited as it just fit everyone. The table was lathered in lavish dishes, most of Akshara's favourites, and chitter chatter was amongst everyone.

There was discussion about business, the hospital, family friends' weddings that were coming, other work-related matters, college discussions, new movies, and of course Akshara's adventures over the past year.

Akshara was sat in the centre but shyly every now and then she found herself looking at her Abhi who sat a couple of chairs across from her. And then she found herself quickly looking back down over at her food because his gaze was always on her. Because Abhimanyu was never shy, always clear and confident in what he wanted.

"Oh god Akshara.. get a grip," she thought to herself, she had to show him that she was just as confident. She never understood how he made her so nervous. If her college friends saw her right now, they'd laugh in amusement at her shyness.

And then she felt her heart dip. Maybe if it were not for her shyness, they would have communicated more over the past year.

"So Akshu, did you find any cute boys in Mumbai?" Arohi asked, teasing her sister because of course all the siblings knew there was only one man for Akshara.

"Arohi!" Mimi reprimanded as the table that was sitting at their end laughed including Manjari who already knew Akshara was her future daughter-in-law. Abhimanyu observed half-heartedly, he was amused because he knew his Akshara but also somewhat anxious. What had happened in the past year?

"Shut up" Akshara replied sticking out her tongue at her sister as the rest of the table laughed. Abhimanyu relaxed as she looked at him softly and his gentle gaze assured her right back. Nothing had changed. They were always each others. 

"By the way Bhai.." Neil began, clapping his hand on his older Brother's back which made Abhimanyu look at him sternly. Neil intimidated by his brother instantly straightened up as Akshara giggled to herself. "We had all decided that whoever Akshara finds first has to help set up her new music therapy studio"

Akshara's gaze shot straight up.

"Yes!" Kairav chipped in "it's fair and square, we had decided well in advance.. we just weren't aware you were playing in the game"

"Kairav bhaiya.. you all are lunatics, you know how busy he is with work. Don't irritate him" Akshara spoke defending her Abhi, frustrated that no one could see how tired he looked. Despite being caught up in her reunion with him, she had not missed how worn out and exhausted he was. She'd heard from Arohi about how he'd been working longer hours than ever and how much pressure was on him.

Abhimanyu remained silent, looking at her and taking in how worried she was over him.

"But don't you have your annual leave day off on Thursday?" Arohi asked directing the question at Abhimanyu, supporting the conversation. Akshara shot daggers at her sister, surely as a doctor she would understand that he needed rest! But instead, these lunatics had planned that he help her out, she knew it would be a process.

"Yes Abhi, I approved that today, you've been working very hard lately beta. It is important you have a day off to rejuvenate. It is not normal for a doctor to be working so many hours in a row" Anand confirmed taking a sip of his water.

Akshara sighed, exactly! He needed to rejuvenate. Why didn't anyone understand her?

Abhimanyu wiped his mouth and set his napkin on the table as he finished eating, leaning back into his chair. "Then it's settled, I'll help Akshara set up her music studio on Thursday"

Neil and Kairav looked at each other, clearly amused as they high-fived each other secretly so no one could see. Everyone else smiled to themselves, how could they be surprised. What was meant to be was meant to be.

Akshara looked at him, her eyes pleading with him to say no. "Please you need rest" she communicated gently, worry spread over her face.

He smiled and blinked back at her to reassure her "No baby, I need you"

Couldn't help myself and ended up staying up late and scribbling all night! Enjoy.

N x

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