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Abhimanyu had never rushed to get into his apartment sooner in his entire life. He couldn't believe he'd been wondering where she was and yet he was not surprised when Arohi had told him she'd gone 'home'.

Home was his apartment.

Home was them two together.

His heart skipped a beat.

He rushed in, his heart restless wanting to know that home was him. And when his eyes finally laid on her, his world stopped momentarily.

10 days, 11 if you counted the last few hours.

That's how long he'd been away from her.

Without her.

"Oh love" he'd whispered taking in her state. She'd wrapped herself in an old T-shirt of his, tears stained on her cheek which sent daggers straight to his heart. Rolled up into a ball she was sleeping on his side of the bed.

He crept up close to her, hands shaking that she'd disappear if he touched her. Like it was all a dream.

Slowly he swept some hair that was brushing her cheek and instantly she leaned in, so familiar with that touch. She let out a sigh of comfort.

"Akshara" he whispered desperately, he did not wish to wake her up but he could not wait any longer. Just seeing her alone was causing him to break down into little pieces.

Her beautiful eyelids batted slowly and opened and he felt his entire heart melt. How had he lived the past two weeks?

She stared at him for a second and he blinked back not knowing what her reaction would be. Arohi had told him that she had thought he was in America for the year. So he was not sure what Akshara would think.

"I am dreaming again aren't I?" she whispered sleepily and slowly, "So be it Mr. Dream Abhi, can I stay in this dream forever? At least in my dreams, I can have you close to me... and so close that we never ever have to be apart... I can be completely selfish"

"Akshara" he whispered again, tears pooling in his eyes, realising how much she had missed him.

"Oh dream Abhi, you are becoming so realistic don't you think?.. almost as handsome as my actual Abhi," she said weakly. It was then that Abhimanyu noticed how much weight she had lost. She looked pale all over and her once full cheeks were all bony and hollow. He felt his insides roar. Didn't even take care of yourself. How can you Akshara?

It was then she leaned up and pressed her lips to his softly and Abhimanyu realised she still thought it was all a dream. Moaning at the taste of her lips after the longest 10 days of his life, Abhimanyu slipped his tongue in between her mouth, gently massaging hers and telling her that he was indeed real. Akshara leaned in closer and then paused once she realised what had happened. Had dream Abhi just kissed her back?

She snapped away, her eyes opening.

"Abhi?" she questioned

"Love" he responded tearily giving her some time to register.

Instantly, she sat up and cupped his face to make sure he was real and realisation suddenly dawned on her. It was him.

"Abhi" she whimpered, bottom lip quivering. And he nodded gently.

And then a second later, tears.

Oh lord, she was not this strong.

Sobbing it all came out.

"Abhi," she said again throwing herself on him and wrapping her arms around his neck pulling him as close as humanly possible. And he cried too.

"You. need. to. listen. to. me" Abhimanyu articulated as she hiccupped.

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