Slice of Heaven

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Abhimanyu felt two arms slide around his bare waist as he stood against the kitchen counter, pancake batter sizzling on the stove.

Peppering kisses down his back and rubbing her nose gently, engulfing his scent, Akshara sighed in contentment. She noted the scratch marks that she had undoubtedly left from last night and then blushed.

"You weren't in bed when I woke..." she complained, wrapping her arms tighter around him and resting her head against his back.

Abhimanyu hummed, turning the pancake mixture over and then turning around so that he was facing her. He pressed a tight kiss on her forehead and then took her in. She was wearing his shirt, looking completely in love. Eyes dazed. Lips swollen from last night. And hair all over the place, the way he liked it most. Best of all, she had a 'glow'. A glow from their love-making and from their reunion.

"Someone has to keep my baby fed" he chuckled teasing her softly.

"Abhi..." she groaned hiding her face in his chest, "I missed you".

Abhimanyu sighed, he was so addicted to this. To her. He turned around and turned off the stove and then turned his full attention to her.

Picking her up, she wrapped her legs around his waist, and then he sat her on the kitchen counter, standing between her legs which she wrapped tighter around him.

"Do you know how irresistible you look right now?" he asked cupping her cheek so she was looking at him. She looked away, blushing and he stood in awe that she was still shy after everything.

"Who's stopping you..." she muttered to herself, looking down so she wasn't making eye contact but her legs tightening around his waist.

Abhimanyu growled as he leaned forward and nipped her ear, eliciting a sharp moan from Akshara.

"Believe me, I want to" he whispered stopping and taking in her scent and then facing her, sighing reluctantly. "But you have lost so much weight jaan... I need you to eat"

Akshara stared at him wondering how had she gotten this lucky? What did I do to deserve this Kanha ji? How is he all mine?

Akshara leaned in and pressed a tight kiss to his lips resting her forehead against his.

"I've made a new resolution, want to hear it?" she asked as he closed his eyes resting against hers. He nodded.

"That I am going to stay attached to you like this... I need to see you in front of my eyes. We have to do everything together today... This means you have to eat with me"

Abhimanyu chuckled, picking her up and setting her on the bar stool next to the kitchen counter as she clung on to him. "Okay time for me to serve up for two then madam".

She nodded excitedly and then her tummy rumbled, causing both of them to laugh.

They both then spent the next hour eating to their heart's content. Feeding each other. Stealing kisses in between. Catching up on the last 11 days. And all along savoring the feeling of being with each other. Afterward, they both did the dishes together with Akshara loading the dishwasher and wiping the dishes clean to put away and Abhimanyu cleaned them out with soap. A perfect duo.

Akshara then led Abhimanyu to sit down, playing some light music in the background before settling herself on his lap. She really meant it, she planned on remaining attached to him the whole day. Tightening her hands around his neck and resting her head against his chest, her legs dangled over his.

"Abhi..." she said gently drawing circles on his chest.

"Haan baba" he said, his eyes closed in contentment.

"I have to go to Mumbai.." his eyes shot open, realising he'd panic, Akshara quickly covered his lips with hers so he wouldn't think too much, letting go, she finished her sentence.. "to get my stuff Abhi.. to bring it back"

He settled again, kissing her lips gently.

"I know, I've already booked two tickets for tomorrow." he admitted sheepishly, "did it this morning while cooking"

Akshara looked at him, mouth widened.

"Abhi!" she yelled hitting his chest with her fist. This man would always go above and beyond for her, rendering her speechless every time.

He caught her fist and pressed a kiss to it.

"Hmmm... don't forget jaan, I still have full right of being mad at you" he smiled teasingly.

She looked at him with guilty eyes, all big and doe-eyed, and when he saw tears forming, he stopped abruptly. Realising how sensitive she still was over everything that had happened. Losing him was seriously a weak point for her.

"Arre.. I was kidding" he said seriously all of a sudden, his voice softened and his hands cupping her cheeks.

"I love you so much Abhi" Akshara whispered, her eyes squeezing tight "so so much"

Abhimanyu smiled deeply, "I know... how could I not?" he asked raising her hand and resting it on his heart, and then sincerely he said, "I love you".

Akshara squealed, hugging him tight, and then she let go looking at him with expressions suddenly changed. Mischief was visible in her eyes and a glint he knew all too well, was it suddenly hot in here?

She slid her fingers slowly down his chest causing him to gulp.

"So.... about you being mad" she whispered, leaning down and pressing soft kisses on his chest and slowly sliding down his body. "There's only one way to make it up to you?"

Abhimanyu smirked, pulling her by the back of her head and roughly grabbing her hair to press a tight kiss to her lips. And then he lifted her up, to which she squealed. To the bedroom.

In honour of our babies winning awards, enjoy this chapter. I'll be wrapping this story up in a couple of chapters. Thank you to everyone for being on this ride and also for making it trend #1 under Abhira. 

N x 

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