That's Love

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It had been a couple of weeks since Abhimanyu and Akshara had returned from Mumbai, and the duo had decided to spend a couple more days in Mumbai when Akshara suggested showing Abhimanyu around her college.

A little part of her also wanted to show him off to all her friends. They'd all flaunted to her about how hot celebrity crush 'Dr Abhimanyu Birla' was and Akshara had kept him secretly to herself her whole year in Mumbai. Knowing that what was precious must be kept close to the heart.

And Abhimanyu had relished the feeling, holding her hand proudly, leaving no chance to devour her in kisses so the world knew she was his. Including all the men he saw secretly eyeing her. Was Akshara even aware of the little fan following she had amongst her male colleagues? Whatever he ignored, he made sure they knew with his attention always on her.

It had also been a good chance for Akshara to meet some of Abhimanyu's celebrity friends, he'd always kept it low-profile and she had wanted the same. The paps had gotten a couple of photos or two and Abhimanyu protected her, covering her head from the flashes and politely asking them to be mindful of his lady love.

Two weeks and Akshara had reluctantly decided that she had to go back to the Goenka residence. Although Abhimanyu's apartment was hers and she happily maintained her right over it, after all, it was her Abhi's, and she knew it would be improper for her to stay too long.

Her family was understanding and gave her, her space and she wanted to respect that. And Abhimanyu reluctantly agreed, having nothing but pure love for the Goenka family too. Still, it did not stop each other from late-night rendezvous and sneaking away to each others. They just had to not be caught.. and they were good at it too.

Ah, that is love after all my dearies.

Which brings us to today...

Akshara sat on her desk at the Goenka residence, rummaging through some paperwork. After coming back home, the realisation had dawned on her that she had to get her studio back.

She had hastily sold it, without even thinking twice about how it was her dream location and how she had saved penny after penny for it. But she would do it all over again if it was for her Abhi. She didn't need to think twice.

But the problem was that now that she looked at any other location for the studio, it just didn't feel right. Her studio was her baby and any other location had left her feeling incomplete. She couldn't possibly provide her music therapy services in a building where she felt incomplete.

Reluctantly, she opened an email she had been waiting for all afternoon. After chasing down the company, she had sold her studio to, she had been informed that they had sold it to another entity under the name of 'A.A'.

She'd emailed A.A earlier that day and explained to them her story and left a voice message, explaining that she'd happily pay more than the market price for the apartment. She knew she may have to take a loan but biting her lip, it was worth it.

How could she even be anywhere else?

Opening the email, she slowly read it

'*Dear Ms. Goenka,

After speaking to our company head, we have decided that we would be very happy to propose a deal where you only have to pay the original deposit to retain this space.*

Our company head recognises true talent when one exists, and we deeply believe that no one could use this space better than you. Thus, we wish to retrieve our original deal and offer it to you as per the original contract.

Our only request is you continue to heal with your talent.

Our agency will be in touch with you shortly.

Kind regards,


Akshara gasped at the email. She looked at it and then read it twenty times over, convinced it was a scam.

She peered closely at the email, nope it was a legit source.

What?! This was madness.

There was no way.

Was she really getting her studio back? And for the original price?

She was so overcome with emotion, only wanting to call her Abhi and tell him what had happened.

Abhi- wait a minute.

Akshara paused, this was too good to be true,

And anytime that happened, it usually had the involvement of the man she was head over heels in love with.

Typing A.A slowly into google, she decided to do some research. Opening about 50 different tabs on her laptop, Akshara read through each one of them one step at a time, not coming across anything too suspicious.

Until finally she found one, the copyright of the company, under which in tiny numbers it had 15.10, and tears overcame her instantly.

Her birthdate.


She sat at her laptop, too overcome in emotions to say anything, and her head still processing everything she had found. Heart racing.

How did he continue to surprise her?

How did he know her so well?

"Abhi" she cried, "oh I do not deserve this"

She wiped her tears softly, picking up her phone, and typed him a message through blurred vision.

"I want to meet you"

Her phone beeped only a moment later.

"Stop crying, I love you. Going into surgery. But you have not forgotten our date tonight right?"

Her heart raced, she knew he knew that she knew.

"Counting the seconds till I'm in your arms" she texted back, it was cheesy but she didn't care.

"Me too sweetheart"

Sighing, she put her phone down and kissed the photo of him that was on her background screen. Her first, last, and forever. Her Abhi.

<33 One more chapter and an epilogue awaits us!

N x

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