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Harshvardan was a man of few words. He liked to stay out of people's matters. One thing Abhimanyu had taken from him was his private nature.

But when the footage that showed Akshara overhearing Mahima's conversation with Anand landed in front of him, he had been left at crossroads.

He and Abhimanyu had come to America for a week-long academic conference that Abhimanyu had been asked to guest speak at. Harshvardan had decided he'd accompany him. For one, it would be a good opportunity to visit their partners in America, and for another, he really could not think about leaving Abhimanyu alone in this state.

He knew Abhimanyu had been using the conference as an excuse to escape from whatever had transpired between him and Akshara. He had not been the same since she had left. No, the man that was in front of him now was completely unrecognisable. He would barely eat, barely visit anyone at home, and had become even more silent, and when his appearance looked as if though he'd just be getting through. He had completely regressed.

Living but not alive.

Last week, he had even missed his surgeries. Harshvardan had to step in and ask his son to go on leave. In his entire career, he did not remember a time when this had happened to his son. But it was as if Abhimanyu had lost his zeal for his career.

It didn't take a lot to figure out he was not in a good place.

Harshvardan had just been conducting his routine monitoring of the hospital and was filtering through the video footage from the last few weeks when he stumbled across a video of Akshara running across the hospital hysterical and in tears. Curious, he had rewinded until he found the source of tension.

And that he had.

Sighing he rubbed his temple thinking about Abhimanyu's state the past week. He had kept to himself, immersing himself in his work yet if matters had to be discussed with him, he knew his son's head was miles away with someone else. The happiness that had lit up his eyes on Akshara's return had once again left him. Completely hollow. And although he had not seen Akshara, he knew her state would be similar.

Harshvardan tapped his pen on his table, looking at the photo of Manjari he had in his wallet, and abruptly kept his pen down. He had made up his mind. This time he had to say something. Or he feared they would lose the happiness of two of their children, Abhimanyu and Akshara.


Abhimanyu rushed to his gate at the airport, holding on tightly to the handbag he had packed in a hurry.

He ran his hands through his tousled hair as the last few hours replayed in his mind.

He had been laying in his hotel room bed with his eyes closed in pain with a dish of untouched room service food left next to him. How could he even eat when his insides were slowly dissolving? All he could think about was Akshara's refusal of their love. His eyes closed in response to the memory.

And then he worried thinking about her again. He knew something was causing all of this. He knew she loved him. He'd never wavered. He'd never doubted their love. He just had to figure out why she denied him. Why she left him? Was he lacking?

Had she eaten? Was she taking care of herself? He knew her heart would be unsettled. How could it be calm when they were apart?

He knew she was not in a good place too and his heart thinking that he could not even comfort her.

He scrunched up his eyes even more wishing he could see her once.

This was precisely when Harshvardan had knocked on his door and come in. Seeing the look on his Dad's face, he had known instantly that it was to do with her. No one looked at Abhi that way unless it concerned Akshara.

Harshvardan walked in holding a little gadget in his hand, Abhimanyu sat up confused.

"Abhi... beta, I did not want to get involved but there is something you should see" Harshvardan had spoken handing the gadget with the video to Abhimanyu.

"Think carefully beta," Harshavardan said tapping his son's back and leaving the room to give Abhimanyu his privacy.

And the moment Abhimanyu had seen the video, of Akshara wearing the same outfit as the night they had dinner, it broke all his resolve. "Oh, Akshara.. my crazy wonderful Akshara" he whispered slowly to himself, realisation dawning on him that she had sacrificed her love for his happiness.

He leaped out of bed, calling his agent to arrange the first flight back home in the instant.

Screw the conference, he didn't care one bit.

He was going back home.

Back to his heart.

Enjoy and be back soon! Leave your comments please, love reading them.

N x

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