Can't let you go

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Akshara sat nervously at the dinner table, at the reservation Abhi had made. In fact, he had rented out the entire space so it was just them two for the time. He was currently running late as he had just been held back by a surgery.

Akshara closed her eyes, rehearsing the lines she had practiced in her mind. "Akshu... I know this will be the toughest thing you ever have to do, but you can't break ok? This is for Abhimanyu. You can not be selfish. Love is not selfish my love. You have to do this for him. Be strong" she chanted to herself as she pressed her hands together.

She felt soft lips press a deep kiss on her forehead and she snapped open her eyes, relinquishing the feeling knowing it would soon be gone.

"Hey beautiful" Abhimanyu said sending butterflies through her stomach. I love you Abhi, her eyes screamed madly.

"I'm so sorry I made you wai-" Abhimanyu began caressing her cheek and then paused, "what's wrong?" he asked suddenly noting how tense she was.

She looked at him, forcing every fibre in her body to compose itself.

"N-Nothing" she said quietly.

"Akshara," he said sternly, looking at her right in the eye.

"Is it because I'm late? I'm so sorry baby. You know how it is with the hosp-" he began, daggers shooting through his heart at her state. He could handle anything but seeing her even the slightest bit sad.

"No no please, it's not the hospital," Akshara said quickly.

"Then what is it baba" Abhimanyu said gently cupping her cheeks "I'm getting worried".

Akshara trembled, knowing she'd have to get it over and done with.

"I am moving to Mumbai Abhi," she said taking a deep breath.

"What?" he spat out, his expression changing from shock to confusion to hurt. "What do you mean?"

"T-they called me u-up a while ago, I t-think it's a good offer," Akshara said not meeting his eyes.

"Akshara" Abhimanyu warned angrily, knowing there was something deeper than this. He grabbed her fingers, trying to force her to look at him and Akshara closed her eyes shut.

She stepped away separating their fingers.

"I have already decided," she said firmly.

Abhimanyu laughed sarcastically "Is this some sick joke? We - we didn't even talk about it. When did this all happen?" he asked flabbergasted. Akshara felt guilt rush through her veins seeing him in the state he was in.

"I've sold my studio," she said to him simply not having much strength to say anything else.

Abhimanyu felt the ground beneath his feet shift. He felt his throat tighten as he momentarily forgot how to breathe. What was happening? What the hell was happening?

"You sold the studio?" he demanded angrily.

The anger turned into fear, fear of losing her.

"Akshara is it something I've done?" he asked, his voice laced in pain and hurt. Akshara turned around so he couldn't see her tears.

He ran his hand through his hair trying to process what she was saying but his mind was going blank.

"I can't let you go, how am I meant to live? Let's talk about it.. we can work it out together... maybe I can move there with you... there are lots of jobs" he said frantically.

Akshara turned around so he couldn't see her tears and how badly she was trembling at this point before taking in a deep breath. It was time for the final blow.

"I'm sorry Abhimanyu. I am young and need to experience my life"

Abhimanyu's entire world shook, turning cold. She had never called him Abhimanyu. He was always her Abhi.

He turned silent.

She'd made up her mind.

Abhimanyu? He could not recall her ever calling him that.

"I know there is a reason for this Akshara, you can run now but you know I will find out" he said simply.

She clenched her eyes closed "Bye Abhi" she whispered slowly because she did not have it in her to call him Abhimanyu twice.

And then she ran.

Ran far away.

Heart shattered.

Knowing that she had just left her whole entire life.

Her happiness

Her heart.

With one man.

Who stood there, with a velvet box in his pocket. Equally heartbroken.

How was he meant to live when his reason for living had just walked away?

Double updates? I'll be back with more tomorrow dear readers. Don't worry, our happy Abhira is not far away.

N x 

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