His Haq

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When Akshara woke up, she felt her entire world whirl before her eyes. She knew it. This was going to be the worst hangover of her life. She'd make sure she would get back at Arohi and Shefali who had teased her in the name of Abhimanyu, daring her to endlessly drink.

She opened her eyes softly, looking down at the sheets, and realised she was in an unfamiliar bed. In fact, looking around, she didn't recognise this room at all but yet something about it seemed familiar? Like hers?

She looked carefully and realised she identified items. They were organised in an order entirely too organised to be hers. She'd know them anywhere because they belonged to her Abhi.

She gasped, realisation dawning on her. Could it be?

Am I at Abhi's place? Akshu, what on earth did you do last night?

As if it was on cue, Abhi chuckled walking in with a breakfast tray and hangover tablets sitting next to them "good morning Akshara". He set it down on the bedside table next to her and then came and sat down beside her caressing the hair that had fallen above her eye. He thanked his lucky stars that it was a Sunday and he wasn't planning on going to the hospital till the afternoon so he could spend some time with Akshara.

Why did this man look so good in the morning? He was dressed casually yet her heart was doing summersaults.

"Abhi" she whispered softly "what on earth am I doing here?"

Before he could even respond, she jumped to her next question throwing her hands around his neck and hugging him "oh Abhi.. did I bother you too much last night? I'm so sorry, it's all those stupid idiots' fault. Wait until I get my hands on them today. I am so sorry Abhi, you have been so busy and I must have bothered you. Shefali and Arohi you don't even know what you have coming in for you today" she mumbled.

Abhimanyu laughed and Akshara pulled back confused "why are you laughing?" she asked cutely.

"I'm not laughing at you baba, I'm just content," he said cupping her cheek as Akshara pouted.

"I had always wished you'd be this carefree with me, do you know that?" he whispered, rubbing the pad of his fingers on her cheek before kissing her forehead gently.

Akshara blushed deeply, making Abhimanyu smile again.

"Eat up and make sure you drink this entire drink" Abhimanyu instructed and Akshara silently obeyed, in awe that he had done so much for her.

"To fill you in, Shefali called me last night to come and pick you up. You were too drunk to go back home to everyone so I decided you'd stay here at my apartment." he decided to leave out the bits where she had said she wanted to stay only with him because he knew she'd only blush more. Some memories he wanted to keep with himself and tell her when the time is right.

Now he'd just hoped she wouldn't be too upset at him bringing her to his apartment but just like he'd predicted, Akshara relaxed right back like it was the most natural thing he brought her to his apartment. He loved this side of her that showed authority over him. He was hers. She had every right.

"Abhi I am so sorry to trouble you so much," Akshara said looking at him, guilt seeping through her eyes.

"With you, it's never trouble," he whispered and she smiled closing her eyes, thanking her lucky stars.

"There is one more thing though," he said rubbing the back of his neck. Akshara opened her eyes and observed him, was Abhimanyu Birla nervous? This was a first.

She grabbed his hand "what's wrong" she asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I slept on the couch of course" he was a total gentleman, she did not even need to question it. "But I did have to change your clothes...I don't have any female pyjamas so I used a set of my sweats so you would be comfortable... don't worry I didn't look or do anything inappropriate - I am a doctor so we are well-trained in-"

Akshara placed her hand over Abhimanyu's mouth in an attempt to make him stop rambling.

"You don't need to explain anything Abhi" she whispered her eyes welling up with tears that this man had so much respect, she would trust him with her eyes closed for everything. and then she communicated with her eyes, "this is your haq... do you see my heart? It belongs to you"

He smiled blinking that he'd received her message and internally, he sighed in relief. Changing her clothes had been one the most difficult task he'd done in his life, he had to fully compose and control himself. He knew he'd never cross the line without her permission, he worshiped her, doted on her, cherished only her. She was his world.

"Arohi dropped a pair of clothes for you to change into this morning so eat up quickly"

Akshara beamed up at him as she dug into the waffles. A soft moan left her lips as soon as she dug into them. Was there anything he could not do?

He smiled, proud of his attempt. Akshara offered him some with the same fork and he smiled taking a bite.

She then leaned up and pressed a kiss against his cheek "thank you".

Some changes coming soon, enjoy, and thank you for all your comments!

N x

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