First Love

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Clad in her yellow sundress, Akshara walked into Birla hospital with a little basket in her hand. It had been a week since she had woken up at Abhimanyu's house and they'd both found themselves so busy with their work that it had been difficult to spend time together over the last week

She'd even had to skip her regular lunch dates with him as clients had started piling up at her studio. This is why she'd walked in at 6 pm in the evening with Abhi's favourite lasagna and a greek salad that she had spent the evening preparing for him.

She still had to repay him for all his care and concern for her over the last few weeks. No that was an excuse, she corrected herself, 'after all caring for me is his haq right?" she pouted.

'Whatever', she thought, if they could have dinner together on the basis of this excuse she would not hesitate as she blushed thinking about her handsome man.

On her way to his office, she bumped into Harshvardan and Anand who acknowledged her presence with a knowing look. Akshara blushed profoundly as the duo broke into laughter looking at the girl who was like a daughter to them and ushered her towards Abhi's room.

Akshara knocked on his door and then waited patiently, entering the door when she heard his curt "come in" which he reserved for his working tone.

Walking in, she saw him immersed in his papers, he had two desktops set up with one displaying x-rays of what she assumed was his recent surgery. He was tapping away with one hand studying the images.

"Hi, Dr Birla" Akshara teased breaking him from his reverie. He instantly looked up, surprised that it was her.

"Akshara," he said getting up from his desk as she moved towards him.

"Surprise" she smiled giving him a toothy grin and holding up the basket, "it's dinner time".

"Oh Akshara, you didn't have to..." he began moving towards her, settling the basket on his desk and doing what he really wanted to do. Enveloping her in his arms and digging his face into her hair as he breathed in his scent.

He'd missed her too, Akshara noted. It was really a wonder to her how they managed to stay away from each other for a whole year.

She too closed her eyes as she found her peace. But then her tummy grumbled and Abhimanyu laughed breaking them from their hold.

"Okay let's eat" he smiled kissing her forehead gently.

She smiled like an excited kid grabbing the basket with one hand and his hand with another as she led him to his couch and table area. First, she set up the tablecloth she had brought and then she set up the dishes. All along he watched her, noting that she'd prepared his favourites and expressing his gratitude with his eyes to which she shied. How had they become like this?

She handed him his plate and watched him take his first bite, anxiously watching for his approval and when he let out a sigh of contentment, she too smiled and settled back into eating her own. He devoured his plate and she plated more, pleased that her Abhi enjoyed her food.

After lunch, they both packed everything up in the basket and Abhimanyu took out the rubbish.

"Actually it's good you came, I have something I need to give you," Abhimanyu said heading back into the room. He headed towards his desk and unlocked the first drawer as Akshara watched on in confusion.

He pulled out a key and came back over to her on the couch.

"Here," he said handing the key over to her.

"Abhi.. what's this?" Akshara asked her eyebrows scrunching in confusion as he picked up her palm. He smiled, god she looked so cute.

"The key to my apartment," he said casually dropping the key in her hand. She gasped nearly dropping the key.

"Abhi I can't- " she began withdrawing her hand. She knew what his privacy meant to him. He kept his distance. Even everyone in his family knew that. In fact, she was well aware that not even anyone in her family had visited his apartment. So this was a big step.

"You can't?" he asked raising an eyebrow in amusement and she quickly blushed looking away. She'd become better over the last few weeks but he still had that effect on her.

"Look don't overthink it," he said cooly, "you can use it as much as you want. Come whenever you want or not at all. It's your choice".

She hesitated but then met his reassuring look and she let out a gentle smile of acceptance, wrapping her fingers around it.

"I promise I'll take care of it" she whispered overwhelmed that he trusted her so much.

He beamed down at her, his heart racing.

"Okay I want something in return" he smirked. She looked up at him confused again. What was with this man today?

He grabbed her hand and sat them both down on the couch again before laying down and positioning his head back on her lap again. Just like the other day in her studio.

She smiled her hands automatically making way to his forehead, massaging gently like the other day.

"Can you sing for me Akshara?" he requested, his eyes closed.

Sing for Abhi?

She bit her lip thinking about the song. Closing her eyes, she remembered the one song that had haunted her day in and day out. The one song that she had sung to him on her last day before leaving for Mumbai.

The one song she had not sung over the past year, knowing it would break her down.

Today, she would let it out.

"Lag jaa gale ke phir yeh haseen raatth ho na ho

Shayaad phir is janam mein mulaaqat ho na ho


She closed her eyes as memories washed over her. The day she had to leave had been the hardest day for her. She'd said goodbye to the rest of the family and running around she looked for Abhimanyu, finally finding him on the rooftop, his back facing her.

Not knowing what to say, she had found herself singing these exact lyrics and before he knew it Abhimanyu was hugging her. That was the day Akshara knew that she would be leaving her heart with him.


Lag ja gale ae, ae"

When she finished singing and opened her eyes, she noted that tears were brimming in Abhi's eyes. She'd seen this sight only once. The day she left for Mumbai.

Akshara panicked cupping his face with her hands "Abhi, what's wrong? Tell me" she demanded.

He closed his eyes, memories washing over him as pain struck him all at once.

"When you left, why did you not visit Akshara?... Not even once" he whispered. He'd avoided as many conferences as he could that year attending the bare minimum if it required interstate travel, dropping off plans of any international travel, anytime there was news that she was coming home. Every single time, some last-minute excuse had her cancel her trip. And it tore him into bits every time. Yet his love had not wavered and he had waited patiently till the next opportunity.

Abhi, her heart tugged. Tears brimmed in her own eyes at his question.

She cleared her throat, she needed to tell him honestly.

"Because if I saw you, I would not have the strength to leave once more Abhi" she whispered "It took everything in me to leave you Abhi, do you understand?"

His heart settled.

It all made sense.

Because he knew it would be the same for him.

"Akshara" he whispered like a prayer and she looked at him right back with so much love beaming back that even if neither said it, they both felt it.

He brought her forward and finally did what he had been meaning to do all along, crushing his lips with hers. She let out a gentle moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him right in, letting years of want, need, dreams, and more than anything, love, unravel between them.

Their first love.

My heart is all soft, first love is so special. Small little twist coming soon so enjoy.

N x

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