Take me with you

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It was 11 pm on a Saturday night and Abhimanyu Birla was in his study room in his apartment reading some hospital reports and peer reviewing some journals that had been sent to him for his review and feedback.

It had been a few weeks now since Akshara had returned back and the duo were practically inseparable. She'd become more carefree around him, something he'd always wanted and she'd made it a habit to visit him at the hospital for lunch at least twice a week. In his busy schedule, he was so grateful that she was there like a light to give him a little break.

At first, Harshvardan had teased the duo telling Akshara that he was hurt because she had thought he was visiting him, her Papa, but he'd laughed and given her his blessings when she'd turned the colour of beetroot. A sight Abhimanyu adored.

In return, Abhimanyu would magically find himself at the doorsteps of her studio after work most days, feigning the excuse of wanting to see the progress of the studio as an excuse to spend one on one time with her. 

This was on top of all the family gatherings, the dinners at the Goenka's and Birlas that had continued, and the weekend madness that occurred between the two families.

The truth was they could not stay away from each other. Any walls that had previously existed had completely broken down. They understood the other needed the other. Their families understood it too and respected it giving them space and privacy.

Another change he'd noted was that the two had become needier of each other, they needed to be in physical proximity of each other in some way. Whether it be holding hands or leaning on each other or giving each other a hug. Not to mention the urge to kiss each other had only grown stronger and stronger. He did not know when it had changed but they had just grown their own space and there was no need to discuss it.

His phone rang breaking Abhimanyu's thought process. He looked at the caller confused, Shefali?

"Shefali.. you okay? you safe?" he answered sitting up, wondering what was up with his sister-in-law. He could hear loud music in the background and someone frantically arguing, was that Arohi's noise? And some loud men?

"Listen Abhi, I know it's late but I - we need some help," she said frantically, "it involves Akshara".

Abhimanyu got up from his chair and grabbed his keys from his desk. "Where are you?" he asked curtly.

"Listen don't get angry, but we decided to go out clubbing at Magic's for a girl's night since Akshara is finally back but these boys won't leave us alone and madam accidentally got really drunk and she keeps asking for you Abhi"

Abhimanyu sighed running his hands through his hair. "Are you all safe?" he asked leaving his apartment.

"Yes, I've called Parth and he will be here shortly but Akshu really wants you Abhi" she said and Abhimanyu could hear Akshara in the background. Was that her telling someone in the background off and then mentioning his name?

"I'll be there in ten"

"Thanks Abhi"

"And listen Shef, please get some water in her and anyone else who is drunk," he said, his doctor mode kicking in. "...And don't you guys dare her into drinking this much ever again," he said reaching his car.

"Abhi" Shefali whined, god how did he know everything in relation to Akshara?


"Listen don't you dare try and touch my sister.. she has told you to stay away many times and you keep bothering her" he heard Arohi reprimand and he rushed faster to the scene seeing Arohi gripping onto his Akshara with Shefali holding her other side. There were a couple of others of her friends there who did look familiar. As soon as he had walked in, he knew people had recognised him as they parted to make way for him. Normally this much attention would annoy him, but right now he had only one thing on his mind. His attention landed on the trio of men with one in particular that seemed to be eyeing his Akshara.

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