Bonus chapter pt2

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It felt like my heart stopped beating. I put aside my half eaten ramen and unlocked my phone.

There it was. I'm dying.

It was a short text, they just stated that me and Hyunjin were in fact dating and they hoped everyone would respect us and Hyunjin's private life.

Only a few minutes after it was posted we were trending on places. People sure had opinions to share.

So much hate, but I tried to look at the heartwarming comments that were congratulating us and wishing us the best.

After a few minutes of reading comments Hyunjin spoke. "How do you feel?" He asked me.

I thought for a second. What do I feel? "Relived, I think" I said at last.

He looked up at me with a smile. "It's nice" he said.

"I need to go walk my pig, see you another time" Minji said and put down her finished bowl on the table and headed to the door.

"Okay" I said and looked at her with a frown, but got up to follow her to the door.

She put on her shoes and her jacket and was about to leave. "Have a great day" she said and smiled.

"Say hi to your pig from me" I said.

"I will" she said "and don't forget the condom" she whispered and then left.

"She has a pig?" Hyunjin asked a bit confused as he came up behind me and put his hands on my hips.

"No it was her escape" I told him.

"She didn't have to leave though" he said.

"She just don't want to be in the way" I said.

"In the way for what?" He asked with a low voice, right next to my ear.

I turned around so I was facing him and we had eye contact. "Nothing" I said.

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on my lips. "Nothing?" He then questioned what I'd said.

"The other meaning of eating ramen" I said.

"The other meaning of eating ramen" he repeated my words.

"Now let me eat my actual ramen before they get too soggy" I said and went back to the sofa and picked up my half eaten bowl with ramen.

They were already soggy, but I was hungry so I still ate them.

After I'd sat back down on the sofa and started eating Hyunjin accompanied me by sitting down next to me and continuing on his own ramen too.

"Wanna watch something else?" I asked him when I saw the same drama me and Minji had been watching was still playing.

"No this is good" he said with a shrug.

"Never mind then" I said. It was great because me and Hyunjin really had the same taste in series and movies so we could always agree on what to watch. I can't imagine how other couples survive when they don't like the same series. Could never be us.

"He dies in the end" he then said just to be annoying.

"I looked at him with disbelief. "Yeah no shit that's what it's all about" I said since he was stating the obvious.

"Have you already seen it?" He asked me.

"No, have you?" I asked back.

"Yeah" he said.

"Fun, now no more spoilers" I warned him.

"But was it even a spoiler? Since you knew already" he argued.

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