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'Stray Kids Hwang Hyunjin Dating Jeongin's Twin?'

I read through the whole article, which was just bullshit about me and Hyunjin dating.

'Hwang Hyunjin was spotted flirting with Yang Jeongin's twin sister Yang Chaeyoung, who seems surprisingly comfortable with the situation'

The whole first sentence was just bullshit. Hyunjin wasn't flirting, he just knew it annoyed me. And I wasn't comfortable with the situation. I'd been trying to take his arm away.

Where did they even get the information about me being Jeongin's sister? He'd never said anything about having a twin sister.

I scrolled down as the article continued.

'The supposedly couple have been seen together alone as well during different occasions' it continued and four more photos were seen with us. One was from when he came to my school to give me my phone back.

They managed to take a photo just as I took the phone from his hand, making it look as if we were holding hands. He was grinning while I was slightly smiling, and we were both looking into each other's eyes.

The next three photos were from when we went to the store last time. The first one was when he put his jacket over my shoulders, the second was when we were walking back side by side, and I still had his jacket over my shoulder. The last one was from when he saved me from the car. Right before I tripped and fell, so it looked like Hyunjin was back-hugging me.

'Looking at the photos and evidence the chaejin couple is adorable...' I didn't even want to read more. I'd seen enough to jump out of the window. Well not really. But I'd have enough bullshit for now.

"That's all just bullshit," I said out loud, not for someone in particular to hear it.

"Yeah but our fans will think it's real" Seungmin commented on my statement.

I kind of felt bad for them now. That rumor would probably affect the whole group and it wasn't guaranteed to be in a good way.

"Sorry," I said and looked down.

"Hey it's not your fault," Hyunjin said trying to cheer me up.

"No absolutely not, nobody's blaming you, it's just the reporters that want tea" Seungmin agreed with Hyunjin.

"If we were to blame someone here I would blame Hyunjin," Jeongin said. He was joking but he did seem slightly mad at Hyunjin.

"But all of those photos are actually not Hyunjin's fault," I said. I never thought I would defend him, but today I did.

Jeongin looked at me as if he didn't understand, and to be fair it looked on all of them that it was Hyunjin.

"So the arm around my shoulders is his fault, and putting the jacket over my shoulder, and when he stole my phone and then I got him to leave it back to me. that one was partly my fault though because I asked him to come to my school and give it to me. But the back-hug was my fault" I explained to them. Hyunjin looked grateful, but Jeongin and Seungmin seemed confused.

"In what way could that back hug be your fault?" Jeongin asked and looked at me.

"Well..." I started. I guessed I had to tell them. "I walked out in the street as a car came, and Hyunjin saved me by pulling me back," I said.

Jeongin didn't say anything for a few seconds. He looked worried as he looked at me. "Why haven't you told us this before?" He said. I was about to answer him, but he continued asking stupid questions and overreacting. "Are you okay? When did this happen? You must be careful!" He said all in the speed of light.

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