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Deal my ass. He wanted us to make a deal, the problem was that the deal was only in Hyunjin's favor. What was the point of making a deal if I didn't get anything good from it?

"If you clean our room I'll give you the TV" was his deal.

"No ew," I said and scrunched my nose. I can clean up my own things, but I won't clean the other's stuff. Besides, I wouldn't finish cleaning until it was too late anyway, so what's the point?

I'd lived here in this household for like a week now, and not a single time had the boys cleaned their rooms, and they were far from clean when I came here as well. No way in hell was I going to do it for them.

"Then the TV is mine," he said and started it by pressing the on button on the remote.

"Whatever," I said, tired already of fighting with Hyunjin. I lied down on the sofa, putting my head on Hyunjin's lap as if he was a pillow. If I couldn't have the TV I could at least have the sofa, so I didn't care if I was taking up all the space on the sofa, Hyunjin had the TV anyway. It was also kind of comfortable actually, so I didn't mind Hyunjin was sitting there.

Hyunjin's POV

"Whatever" Chaeyoung said and laid down with her head resting on my lap.

I was shocked because of her actions and I could feel my heart started beating harder. It was beating so hard and fast I was scared she was going to be able to feel it.

I looked down on her face, and that seemed to be making my heart beat even harder. She was really pretty and so cute. I always felt like I needed to protect her and I didn't know why. I wanted her to stay like this in my lap forever so I could just watch her face. I wasn't even looking at the drama that I'd started on the TV, because all I could focus on was Chaeyoung.

Suddenly she looked away from the screen and up at me, making me realize I was staring at her.

"Why are you staring?" She asked, looking confused.

"I wasn't staring, concentrate on the drama" I tried telling her as my cheeks started to heat up slightly, but she didn't seem to believe that I wasn't staring.

"I've already watched this drama before," she said, which made me remember that this was the same drama that she'd spoiled for me the first day she came here.

"So you'd rather watch my beautiful face then," I said and wiggles my eyebrows.

"No," she said in annoyance because of my comment. Then she looked back towards the screen where the drama was still playing.

I also looked at the drama, because I didn't want her to catch me staring again. Although I kept glancing down at Chaeyoung from time to time. Suddenly when I looked down at her, her eyes were closed. Was she asleep? I tried poking her lightly on her cheek but she didn't move. She kept breathing heavily with her mouth slightly open. She must be asleep I thought.

The sight seriously made my heart ache. She looked so peaceful when sleeping. Not like the Chaeyoung that would get mad at me for even the tiniest things. At this point, I was starting to believe it was just my existence that annoyed her. She could seriously get mad at me for breathing a bit too loud.

I did like it though to annoy her. There was something about it that always made my heart skip a beat. She looked so cute while pouting her small lips, which she did every time she was mad.

Right now she couldn't be mad at me for anything though. She was the one putting her head on my lap, so I'd done nothing mean or annoying.

But maybe I did take a photo. Because she was too cute. And pretty. And beautiful. And just adorable.

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