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Throughout the whole performance, Hyunjin seemed to be looking especially at me. As if that wasn't enough, he seemed to be trying to look as good as possible, or shall I say as hot as possible. He bit his lip and gazed towards me. Then he let his already short shirt, fly up a bit too high, almost flashing his abs. I swear he was doing it on purpose, and it was working. I was only paying attention to Hyunjin, and my heart was beating like crazy.

He must have seen my eyes never left him since his eyes never left me either, and by the look on his face, I could tell he enjoyed it. Maybe I should have looked away, but I couldn't. I didn't want to at least.

When I met up with them again backstage, alone because Minji had to leave after the performances were done, Hyunjin was looking at me with a smirk. "Enjoyed the performance?" He asked me.

"The others were great, but you... nah," I said only to get on his nerves.

"Oh but you never looked at any of the others," he said. So he had for sure noticed that. Great.

"And how come you know that?" I asked him. He couldn't just say it was because he had been looking at me the whole time as well.

"Every time I looked at you, you were looking back at me," he said and shrugged. It didn't exactly go as planned.

"That doesn't mean I looked at you all the time," I said. "But I couldn't help but notice you kept biting your lip, why would you do that? Did you have something on it you were trying to get rid of?"

"So you were paying attention to my lips huh?" He smirked even bigger. Why didn't it work? Whatever I said, he could come back, making me look like the stupid one, and that's not how it's supposed to be. I just wanted to tease him and get on his nerves, but I couldn't.

I glared at him. "Yah, stop smirking or I'll punch you in the face" I threatened him.

"You can always try," he said, still smirking, and I didn't like it.

"Is it just me, or are they two fighting more than usual today?" Jisung asked and pointed at the two of us.

"It's not just you" Felix commented.

"No, they are definitely fighting more, what happened between you two that we don't know of?" Jeongin asked and looked at me with suspicion.

"Nothing," Hyunjin said, but since he still was smirking, it looked like he was lying.

"As if we will believe that," Jisung said and raised an eyebrow because of the irony.

"No seriously, nothing has happened," I said, totally serious. "He's just being weird right now"

Chan and the others came up behind us. "Great news," he said with a bright smile. "We're having a world tour, and you can come with us if you'd like"

"Wait what?" I asked in shock. I could come with them on their world tour? Yes, thank you very much. "That's great"

"So you wanna come?" He asked and looked at me with big eyes.

"Well duh, traveling around the world with my 8 favorite brothers," I said in excitement.

"But I'm your only real brother, so I should be your favorite," Jeongin said.

"No my favorite is Felix" I joked and put my arm around his shoulders.

"Yes!" He cried and smiled.

"I was joking" I then said and his smile was replaced by a pouting face. "So when are we leaving?"

"It's pretty soon, we leave in a week" Chan continued explaining to me.

A week! They hadn't even told me about this tour, but they must have planned it a long time ago if we were leaving in only a week. I couldn't wait.

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