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You know that feeling when you wake up and just wish an asteroid would destroy the planet? That's the feeling I had.

I'd lived with the boys for almost a month now, and it was sadly time to present our group assignment. That project I was doing with Sujin and Wooseok. Or I should say it was made by me and Wooseok, while Sujin kept trying to get to Stray kids.

I should be happy, because after this I won't have to work on this stupid project with Sujin anymore, but I wasn't happy, because I knew she would continue until she got to meet the boys.

They needed privacy, and the only person I trusted in my school was Minji.

I'd had this feeling for a while now, every morning when I woke up. I just didn't want to go to school. Working on the assignment made it worse.

I managed to get out of bed and noticed how quiet the dorm was. Chan had said yesterday that they were leaving early for MV shooting, but I didn't know they meant this early. I was surprised I hadn't woken up because of Hyunjin's alarm, because that was loud. Although they might have woken him up without the alarm.

Minji was waiting for me outside of the school, so I walked up to her and said hi.

"Yah you really need to stop being so depressed," she said when she saw me.

"Ouch, that hurt," I said and pretended that my heart was aching.

"The heart is on the other side," she said and looked in a judging way at me.

"Well sorry, I'm just so done with Sujin already," I said with a sigh.

"But today it will be over," she said, not understanding what was so bad.

"That's the thing, it won't, because she'll still try to get to stray kids through me" I explained as we started walking towards our classroom.

"You've got a point there," Minji said. "Wait, what is that jacket you're wearing," Minji said and suddenly stopped in the hallway.

"It's Hyunjin's," I said and shrugged.

"You're wearing Hyunjin's jacket to school?" Minji said and stared at me.

"Yeah, I don't have one that is warm enough," I said.

It had become a habit of mine to always take Hyunjin's jacked. It was really oversized but very comfortable. Also, I believed it annoyed Hyunjin since he couldn't use it himself and it was fun annoying Hyunjin. I had pretty much occupied his jacket, although this was the first time I wore it to school. I though Hyunjin would have taken it this morning since they were off for MV shooting, but when I saw it hanging on the rack I took it.

"You know that's a very girlfriendy thing to do right?" Minji said, still in shock. "Stealing your boyfriend's clothes" she explained further.

"But I'm not doing it as a girlfriend, I'm doing it to annoy him" I defended myself from her judging face. Instead of Hyunjin always annoying me, I'd started annoying him as well to make it equal, and now it was much funnier to be around him. I barely even got mad at him when he was judging me nowadays.

"I swear you two will get married one day," Minji said as we reached our classroom.

"Ew, no," I said and scrunched my nose.

"Listen up class, a new student will be joining us today," the teacher said as he entered to start up the class. Next to him stood a quite handsome boy, smiling happily.

"Hello I'm Song Hojun, please take care of me," he said and bowed before he was given a seat by the teacher.

After that, we were all going to present our projects, and it went horrible. Sujin kept forgetting everything and I had to correct her the whole time. Having to look after both me and Sujin, I sometimes forgot my own lines, and every time I did that Sujin was there to mock me.

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