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"Say hello to the camera Chaeyoung" Felix's deep voice could be heard from behind, making me turn around to see Felix walking up behind me with a phone in his hand.

"Why?" I asked and looked at the camera with a frown.

"I'm doing a V-live" he replied.

"Bye," I said before turning around again.

"Why are you so boring?" Felix whined.

"Because I'm a boring person" I answered him nonchalantly, trying to read my book in peace.

"No you're not, you're super funny," Felix said in an attempt to make me do the live stream with him.

"Hush I'm reading" I hushed him, not without giving him a glare.

"Okay right now you are pretty boring" He admitted with a sigh.

"Told you"

Just then Chan walked past. "Hey Chaeyoung, we're making dinner, have any wishes?" He asked me with a smile.

"Oh, could I help you in the kitchen?" I asked in excitement. I was super hungry and if I helped in the kitchen I could taste while cooking.

"So you wanna hang out with him, but not me?" Felix asked and looked hurt.

"Yeah I like Chan oppa better than you" I joked with a smirk over my face.

"Okay mean," Felix said and looked even more hurt. "Not only that you like him better, but you can also call him oppa" he continued.

"I'm joking, I'm just hungry and want to eat," I told him.

"Why am I not surprised?" Felix asked with a questioning look on his face.

"Because you know me," I said and smiled before leaving the boy on the sofa.

"So what are we cooking?" I asked Chan when I reached the kitchen.

"I don't know, what do you want?" He asked me.

"Sushi!" Hyunjin yelled as he passed by.

"You think we have all day?" I asked him. Sushi takes time to make and I'm really not good at it. It is good though.

"Then let's order sushi," he said and shrugged. "Me and Chaeyoung are heading over to the closest sushi restaurant, see you soon" he then turned to Chan to say.

"Okay," Chan said with a frown before leaving the kitchen.

"Yah, you didn't ask me, I don't want to walk because I'm tired" I groaned in annoyance.

"Too bad, let's go," he said and went to the door with me following after.

We went down the stairs and out in the cold night air. Like always I wore his jacket. It was just a habit of mine to take his instead of my own. Hyunjin had strangely enough been smiling, like really much, as I put it on. Shouldn't he be mad that I stole his jacket? Although he'd already bought a new one so it's not like he is freezing.

As we walked he kept glancing over at me with a huge smile all over his face. Every time I caught him looking at me he would look away with a soft chuckle. What's wrong with him? Something must be wrong for him to act like this.

"What's so funny?" I asked as I caught him laughing for himself once again. "Do I have something in my face?" I asked him worriedly as it hit me that it could be the reason he laughed at me.

"Yeah, you have a cute nose, pretty eyes and tempting lips," he said with a huge smirk.

"What!" I shrieked as I felt my cheeks heat up. I covered them with the palms of my hands. Did he really say that or was I just imagining things?

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