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I woke up because of the sun hitting my face. My neck hurt as I sat up straight, but when I did, the person whom I'd rested my head on fell towards me, since he no longer had anything to lean on. The sudden movement had him wake up before his head hit my arm.

You couldn't be serious. Me and Hyunjin had fallen asleep leaning on each other, and now all the others had just left us on the sofa until the morning. How rude of them. They could at least have woken us up.

We both looked at each other. I didn't know what to say as I slightly panicked. I just continued staring at him for a few more seconds before hastily raising up to walk to my room.

As I entered I saw Minji sleeping in my bed. So she was still here. I shook her to wake her up. "Yah Minji" I called her.

"Mm," she groaned tiredly.

"Wake up you lazy ass," I said and pushed her off the bed so she fell down on the floor and landed on her butt.

"Yah!" She cried in annoyance.

"You deserve it" I muttered as I glared at her.

"What have I done to you?" She asked with a frown.

"You never woke me up yesterday, or Hyunjin, you just let us sleep there" I scolded her, still with a glare.

She smirked when I mentioned it. "oh... that," she said with a big smile. "But you two seemed to be sleeping so comfortably, we didn't want to wake you up"

"Yah!" I threw a pillow on her and she took cover by crossing her arms in front of her face.

She just chuckled. "Come on, let's get ready for school," she said and stood up.


"You slept well tonight I see," Sujin said as she approached me and Minji in the hallway. She seemed bitter, more bitter than normal.

"What do you mean?" I asked, not understanding what she was talking about.

"Oh knock it off, we both know what happened yesterday," she said and rolled her eyes at my stupidity.

I really had no idea what she was talking about. It's not like she could know about Hyunjin. "I really don't, could you please tell me," I said and frowned.

"Ehm" Minji interrupted, making us both look her way. "I might have forgotten to tell you," she said and looked at me with an apologizing smile over her face. She picked up her phone and opened up Instagram, scrolled down a bit until a picture of me and Hyunjin sleeping against each other, and the rest of the members smiling in front of the camera, appeared in her feed. We're they for real? Stray kids had actually posted that on their Instagram. My jaw hung open as I inspected it. It was indeed me and Hyunjin sleeping there.

"You just forgot to tell me," I said and looked into the thin air with no expression what so ever. "That stray kids took a photo of us and posted it online, making it look like we're actually dating" I continued speaking.

"But you should read the text," she said as if that made it less bad.

"When Tom and Jerry finally fall asleep, it gets quiet for once. Chaejin shippers be quaking, when they find out about this picture, they will for the first time ever unite, only to kill us," I read out loud. "Yeah but not everyone reads the caption," I said and looked at Sujin with a glare.

"Don't you think the picture speaks for itself? It's quite obvious it's not only a friendship between the two of you" Sujin said, still sure it wasn't only an accident. "It looks to me like you fell asleep first, and why would he ever let you sleep like that, leaning on his shoulder, if you two hate each other?"

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