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"What!" I shrieked because of his words. "why would you use that photo as a background picture to your phone?" I then asked, still panicking a bit.

Hyunjin simply smirked. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked. "You look funny" he later added, only to tease.

I opened my mouth, about to say something, but then closed it again when I realized I didn't know what to say.

"Perhaps I should just zoom in on you and..." he continued mocking me, but I interrupted him.

"Yah!" I cried and tried to reach for his phone. The problem was that he sat on the other side of the couch and both Felix and Seungmin sat between us. I wouldn't have been able to reach even if my arms had been huge.

"And it's set," he said before turning off his phone and putting it down.

"Yah!" I cried once again in annoyance. Why did he have to be annoying towards me only?

"It's not that bad really," he said and looked at me, but I saw on his face that he was lying. It was really bad. I didn't even get to see it and that annoyed me.

"Yeah whatever," I said to drop the subject. "I'm going out for a while, but I'll be back soon" I then said. I wanted to go to the grocery store and buy something, plus get some fresh air.

"Where are you going?" Hyunjin asked curiously.

"The store," I said as I was making my way towards the door.

"I'm coming with you," Hyunjin said.

"No you're not," I said with a bit ruder tone than I intended.

"Why not?" he asked, looking all innocent like a smol little bean. Why was he so cute when he tried to?

"It's not that late, so I can go by myself" I tried to convince him not to follow me. He was partly the reason I wanted to go there in the first place.

"But we're shopping buddies," he said with a radiant smile over his handsome face.

I glared at him. Shopping buddies tf. "Well if you're going to tag along we should ask Jeongin, Felix, Seungmin and Jisung as well," I said with a sigh. Hyunjin clearly wasn't going to give up, but if the three others came as well he might not be as disturbing.

"Yeah sure," Jeongin said, and the two others nodded in agreement.

"Great let's go," I said, just wanting to get out of the dorm.


"Can't we buy this?" Jeongin asked. He was holding some snacks in his hands and showing it up, but I was already so tired of the boys and didn't really pay attention to what he was holding.

"I really don't care," I said, just wanting to get back home again. Taking them to the store was a bad idea. Hyunjin has already stacked instant noodles of every flavor in his arms. Jisung had found the cheesecake, but he couldn't decide on which flavor to buy, so he'd asked me for advice 100 times and I honestly didn't know which flavor I wanted. Jeongin just wanted to buy every snack he could find, but he was polite enough to ask me about every single one of them.

"Don't think I'm going to pay for all of your things though" I said, just to inform them. "I'm paying for my things and nothing else" I added to make it clear for them.

"Sure," Hyunjin said emotionless as I paid for my things. "The company will pay" he then said, but by then I'd already paid for my stuff.

"What?" I said and looked at him with anger. And he said that first now. "Why didn't you tell me that half a minute ago?" I whined.

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