[43 || last chapter]

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When I 6 pm went out of my apartment, I saw Hyunjin standing right outside. He'd said casual, but his fashion choice was exceptionally good today. I might have thought a bit extra while picking my outfit as well, but it's our first date, so it's a special occasion.

"You're looking pretty today" he complimented me as I opened the door and came out in the chilly weather.

"You too, I thought you said casual," I said back.

"Seems like we both still tried a bit more than usual anyway" he stated the truth.

"I guess," I said. "So where are we eating?"

"You'll see," he said with a smirk before starting to walk. I guessed it wasn't too far away since we were walking.

After a short while, I realized what he'd planned. We stood outside the restaurant we'd once ordered food from. That time we ordered take away sushi and the cashier had said we were a lovely couple. Hyunjin had pretended we actually were a couple and agreed while as I tried telling her we weren't dating. This time we were though.

With his hand in mine, he opened the door up for us to enter.

"So you're taking me to this place again," I said and chuckled at how cheesy this was.

"Yeah, you want sushi or something else?" He asked, but something told me he wanted me to pick sushi.

"I have to pick sushi, don't I?" I asked him as I raised an eyebrow.

"It's yes or yes," he said while doing the dance to Twice's yes or yes with his hands.

I laughed at how silly he was being. "Sure, let's go with sushi then," I said.

We ordered sushi to share, and I noticed the cashier was the same lady as last time. She didn't seem to recognize us, but we both recognized her for sure. It had been two years, I didn't know how I could remember her, but I did.

The evening was great. We ate our sushi as we talked and joked around, just like we used to before. The difference was that it was only me and Hyunjin, out and eating dinner. I was used to having them all around at all times, or none of them. Although now it felt like I'd never even left Korea. The time I spent away seemed like only a few days even though it was actually a longer period of time than the time I lived with the boys. I didn't even live with them for a whole year, but it felt like I'd always known them.

"Maybe we should head home" Hyunjin suggested. We'd finished eating a long time ago, but stayed to talk.

"Yeah," I said.

We went back out and strolled down the street. His hand was holding mine, and the warmth from his hand seemed to be warming up my whole body.

"Why are you still wearing my old jacket," Hyunjin asked as we were walking.

"I never had the heart to get rid of it," I told him.

"So you still thought of me even when you were in the states," he said and I saw how he smiled for himself.

"That's not..." I started speaking to defend myself, but he interrupted me.

"I thought about you as well," he said dreamily. "All the time" he added. "I kept imagining how you would come back and we would get together again, but I also feared you would come back again because I feared you wouldn't like me anymore or you would have met someone new"

I looked up at him. Had he seriously feared I would meet someone in America? Did he even know how asocial I am? "You if anyone should know I don't meet up with people if I don't have to," I said with a laugh.

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