New story

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Guys, I posted a new story. I don't know why, because I still have a shit ton of schoolwork to do before June 4th if I don't want to fail pretty much every subject, but it's out there if anyone's interested.

Most of those who commented seemed interested in the one named arcade games that was a Felix ff, so I've decided to continue that story.

It's about a girl who gets stuck in a game where she meets Lee Felix who's already been stuck for a long time in that game. I don't really know how to describe it, it's weird, but I've been planning a lot for it. It's pretty much completely planned already, except for how their relationship is going to develop, but I'll work on that.

So if you want something new to read, you could go check out my new story. I already have 2 chapters published and a third that is done, but I'm waiting with posting it until I feel like I want to post it.

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