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"Chaechae!" I heard a voice crying in excitement, which woke me up. "It's the day!" he continued and I realized it was Hyunjin. Wait Hyunjin was awake before me! Had I slept through my alarms again? "We're dropping our album soon!" he continued, which made me realize, they were finally dropping their new album.

"Yah, I'm trying to sleep," I groaned in annoyance and launched one of my pillows down on the boy.

"Aren't you going to celebrate with us?" He asked and continued trying to get me up.

"Give me a few minutes," I said sleepily before closing my eyes again.

The boys were all in a good mood today. They were up early, making a huge breakfast for all of us to share.

"We have a comeback stage on m countdown today, you should come to watch" Jeongin invited me. It's not like I haven't seen them perform it live already. I was there when they filmed the music video, I saw them practice the dance to miroh and I live with them. They sing and dance all the time around the dorm. However, I'd never seen them perform properly.

"Sure" I replied to him. "Why not"

We left the apartment early to make it in time. They needed to get styled up and rehearse the performance.

For today's stage, they were wearing the last set of clothes they'd worn during the mv shooting. They had the back and neon clothes.

I'd never been backstage like this before, and it was quite cool actually. As I waited for them to get ready, Hyunjin went over to me and sat down on the sofa I was sitting on, right next to me. He was wearing a neon green Kenzo jacket with a black Balenciaga t-shirt on top with 'speed hunter' written on it along with some people. The shirt was paired with a pair of black jeans and chainrings hanging from the belt, and on his feet, he had neon green, hightop Balenciaga's to finish off the look.

"So what are you doing?" He asked me in an attempt to start a conversation.

"Absolutely nothing" I answered him. I'd just been waiting for what felt like an eternity.

"The music video is dropping in a few minutes now, we should be ready to watch it," he said and took out his phone. I was shocked to see he hadn't changed his background in over a month. He still had that horrible photo of me.

"Why is that still your background?" I asked him as I shivered.

"It's cute," he said and a slight smile could be seen on his lips.

"It's definitely not cute," I said. It was terrifying, not cute.

"Are you two going to watch the music video?" Felix asked as he went to sit down on Hyunjin's other side.

"Yeah" Hyunjin answered.

"Ooo... Gucci" I said as I saw Felix's outfit. He was wearing a black Gucci hoodie with Gucci written as a rainbow with white pants, a green belt and weirdly enough, yellow gloves.

"I know," he said proudly as he looked down on his chest to examine the Gucci mark.

I realized he was also holding a phone in his hand, filming a v-live. I quickly covered my face. "Yah are you filming right now?" I asked him worriedly. I didn't want to be on their v-lives, especially not sitting next to Hyunjin.

"Yeah, say hi to the camera" he answered with a smile.

I pouted as I continued partly covering my face. "No," I said with determination.

"Look it's out!" Hyunjin cried as he refreshed the app and saw their music video pop up as recommended.

"Really!" I totally forgot about the 'do not show your face' thing and leaned towards Hyunjin to see better as he started the video. "look it's Jeongin" I said in excitement as he was the first of them to appear in the video. I remember when he filmed that scene, but it looked a lot cooler with all the effects.

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