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"Welcome to the dorm," I said with a smile as I and Minji stood outside of the door that leads into the dorm we lived in.

"They seriously live here? Omg, I'm so nervous" Minji was freaking out as the fangirl she is.

I took out my key and unlocked the door. If we were lucky there would be at least some members home, and otherwise, we just had to wait

"They might not be at home, so don't freak out too much," I said before I opened up the door for the two of us to step in.

"Anyone home?" I cried as I stepped in, pulling Minji with me who stood still as a statue with eyes wide open.

"Chaechae!" Someone cried back and I could already tell who it was.

"Hey Hyunjin, I have a visitor," I said when I heard his footsteps getting closer.

At right that moment Hyunjin appeared around the corner. "But I thought you weren't allowed to have visitors," Hyunjin said looking a bit confused.

"I wasn't allowed to tell anyone I lived here either, or date any of the members, but JYP wasn't that mad about it, was he?" I asked him with a faked smile. "Just don't tell anyone" I then added.

"Sure," Hyunjin said before turning towards Minji. "Hello, I'm Hyunjin, and you are?" He asked her with that charming smile he sometimes showed.

Minji stared at him for a second with eyes wide open. "Minji" she then said and bowed 90 degrees.

"She's my best friend, so don't you dare say something rude or I'll be haunting you in your dreams" I then said to introduce her a bit more to Hyunjin, and warning him.

"I thought I was your best friend," Hyunjin said and pretended to be sad, even pretending to wipe a tear from his eye.

I glared at him as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Yeah, um... no. I don't think so" I said.

"Hey you don't need to be so rude, I was joking," he said, looking offended by my comment.

"I wasn't," I said with a smug smile.

"So..." I heard Minji start talking. "You two are not dating?" She then said.

"I'd rather die," I said casually, which was pretty much true.

"Yeah, um absolutely not," Hyunjin said, but for some reason, he looked a bit weird. Almost as if he was hurt.

"So when are the others coming home?" I asked him to get on another subject.

"I don't know, but Jeongin should be home from school pretty soon" he answered.

"Jeongin?" Minji said and swallowed which earned her a look from Hyunjin.

"She likes Jeongin," I told him. "Like a lot"

"No, I don't!" Minji shrieked in her defense.

"He's like so cute, yet handsome, I want to marry him!" I said while imitating her voice and making some weird facial expressions.

"Hey I don't sound like that," she said and glared at me a bit upset. "And I have never said that" she added once she realized what I'd even say.

"Oh really?" I said and raised an eyebrow. "Remember that time during lunch when you told me you'd found a new group to stan?" I started explaining to her since she seemed to have forgotten. I was about to continue when she interrupted me, half in panic.

"Okay, we don't need to talk about this do we?" She said trying to get away from the subject.

"Jeonginnie is really cute though" Hyunjin admitted. "But not as cute as my little chaechae!" He then said and poked my nose, making me glare at him.

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