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The whole evening we just talked. We talked about everything, and it was just really nice and comfortable. No childishness or annoying the shit out of me. Just talking and joking like two old friends that haven't met in a long time. I never thought I would have so much fun hanging out with Hyunjin, but I wasn't complaining.

I could also enjoy watching his handsome face without being annoyed throughout the whole time, which was quite something actually. He was wearing a necklace with a cross, which was weird since he was still in his pajamas and not going out for the whole day.

"Why are you wearing that necklace?" I asked Hyunjin.

"I don't know, I just always wear it, so I guess I put it on by habit"

"Did someone special buy it for you?" I asked, curious why a necklace could be so important.

"No, I bought it myself," he said and looked down at it. "It was one of the first expensive things I bought with my own money, maybe that's why it's special," he said with a smile.

"It's a nice necklace," I said and for a second we both looked at the cross on Hyunjin's chest.

"Yeah it is," he said.

"So dinner?" I asked him, suddenly feeling very hungry.

"That would be great," he said and raised up from the sofa, heading towards the kitchen.

"Where are you going, you need to rest" I cried after him as he left me in the living room.

"It wouldn't be nice of me to have you cook my whole meal for me," he said, completely ignoring that I just told him to rest.

"But you're sick, so that's an exception" I tried telling him as I also went to the kitchen.

"It's just a cold, I can still help you cook," he said.

"Well, it's your own fault if you're even sicker tomorrow then," I said and glared at him. He sure is stubborn.

We just made a quick dinner, but it still tasted good. Even if the food would have tasted like shit, I would probably still have enjoyed myself. I had never had this much quality time with Hyunjin, or any of the other members. Maybe I have with Jeongin, but he's my brother, so I've spent quite some time with him.

After doing the dishes we watched a movie together.

"You know, if I hadn't been in my pajamas and we'd been out on a fancy restaurant and then continued to the cinema, then this would have looked a lot like a date" Hyunjin suddenly said out of nowhere as we were both sitting in the sofa, watching the movie we'd picked after a lot of arguments.

He was right actually. "Yeah, but now you are in pajamas and we're sitting at home, watching a crappy movie because you wouldn't let me pick," I said and rolled my eyes. No way I would go on a date with him. Although, after today a date with him didn't seem as bad anymore.

"I'm older than you, so I get to pick movie" he defended himself.

"You always have that excuse," I said in annoyance.

"Because I'm always going to be older than you," he said and I could just imagine how he was smirking without looking his way.

"You're so unfair," I said.

"I know"

Then we both started laughing. I don't know why that was funny. It really wasn't, but we were both just too tired.

"I'm going to fall asleep any second if I close my eyes right now," Hyunjin said as we'd both stopped laughing.

"I fell you man," I said, and as to prove my point I yawned at right that moment.

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