Today is seriously going all wrong. I had just wanted to go for a drive and just come home to some cake.
"Boss?! Where are you?!"
I rammed my foot down on the pedal as my car sped off. "On my way. Call Jace. Tell him to get there as fast as he can." I ordered as I drove recklessly not minding anyone else on the road.
Whoever thought they could steal my shipment and get away should be freaking proud of themselves.
My men who where meant to safely store the shipments of guns in the warehouse were suddenly missing and I was beyond furious. Who the fuck is trying to play games with me?
I slowed to a stop at the front of the large warehouse and turned off the engine. I made sure to grab a gun as I stepped out into the cold night. Winter is fast approaching.
Andre my manager approached me as I entered the warehouse. "What happened here?!" I demanded.
They didn't tell me that the whole place was turned upside down.
"Um.. Sir, I was going to tell you on the phone but I wanted you to see for yourself." Andre said and I glared at him before grabbing him by his neck and easily lifting him off his feet.
"You wanted? Goods worth millions are damaged and you wanted?!!!" I tightened my grip in anger.
"Dude! What the fuck?! Let him go!" Jace yelled as he ran in and met the scene.
His words only aggravated me more.
"I-I c-cant br-rea-the."Jace pushed me and I let Andre go.
He fell to the ground coughing and trying to catch his breath. "What the hell man?! You almost killed the poor guy!" Jace shunned and I glared at him.
"Talk to me like that again and I'll shoot you in the balls." I threatened and he scoffed. He knew I wouldn't do it. Guess what? I can be full of surprises.
We walked around trying to see if we can salvage anything when my eyes caught something.
On a particular box that was suspiciously untouched, a message was spray painted on it.
'I'm coming for you.'
"Jace? Check this out." I called going around the box. I had to be cautious. It's the only thing not harmed and it's a huge box.
"I'm coming for you? You think the assassin did this? Like he's teasing you?" He asked touching the paint. His finger came back with a little speck. Yep. It was recent.
"Do we open the box?" He asked and I rolled my eyes. "Obviously. Unscrew that bolt over there. It opens on all four sides." I said getting to work.
Jace still hesitated in opening the final bolt. "Don't be a pussy and open the damn thing." I grumbled going over to him.
"What if it's alive? Or a drone? Or or maybe a lion?!"
Jesus Christ.
"I assure you it's none of those. Now move." I hissed pushing him aside.
I unscrewed the bolt and all four sides of the box fell open and i blinked in shock."GOD!!" Jace yelled and I frowned at him. Inside the box, were my men. The ones meant to store the shipments. Dead.
They were piled on top each other. Ten men in total. A few of them seemed unrecognizable which meant the assassin or whoever killed them probably tortured them.
"Jace make sure they are committed to the earth properly and inform their families. I'll see them personally after all this is sorted out." I instructed.
I will kill that damn assassin if it's the last thing I do. I took in a deep breath and kinda regretted it. The air smelled like dry blood and raw flesh. I sighed and turned to walk away.
Jace followed quietly and we returned back to the mansion.
I ignored everyone on my way up to my room. "Boss? Everything okay?" Maddox asked and I sent him a look that clearly conveyed my 'leave me alone' message.
I kept walking and wasn't looking when I bumped into someone.
Zara fell on her butt with a yelp and I stared down at her."Ow!"
I rolled my eyes and proceeded to walk around her and be on my way. She grabbed my foot causing me to stumble.
I turned to glare at her but she beat me to it. "There's a word called Sorry dipshit." She snarled and I glared back.
"Let go of my foot." I warned. She rolled her eyes and pulled. I fell but caught my self before I could kiss my floors.
I grumbled and stood up. "What the fuck is your problem woman?" I snapped.
"You're the giant idiot who bumped into me!" She shot back and I frowned deeply.
Sighing I turned to keep walking and winced when I felt something hit the back of my head. I looked down at the pack of Doritos that she threw at me.
I glanced at her and she raised an eyebrow in challenge. I smirked and stepped on the packet, crushing it under my shoes. She gasped and I walked away.
"Hey! You stupid asshole!"
I hate when people insult me but I wasn't in a mood to treat her bullshit so I entered my room and slammed the door shut.
I need sleep.
Comment what you think!Please Vote and Comment. Also share.
I have another book called Playing with my Heart. It's also kind of a mafia book. Please check it out if you can. Thank you.
Love you all.

AORA : His Little Liar
RomanceShe's not your average girl. Tossed into the world of guns and death at a young age, She's already used to it all. Trained to become a cold-hearted killer. When she's given a target to eliminate, it turns out her heart isn't so cold after all. Inst...