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Dedicated to dntknwmerdc_



My fingers moved rapidly over the keypads of my laptop. "I can't help but remind you for the millionth time that this could be a terrible idea." Min scoffed.

"I know Sugar. We have to find out what's going on right? And this is the first step." I explained.

"The first step really? Hacking into the S.I server? Even I can't do it. What makes you think you'll get in?" She asked.

"I don't think. I'm in." I said smirking at her. She blinked once then twice before rushing over to see it.

We were currently in a motel in Milan. She had come here on 'info gathering' it was just a cover to meet up and figure out what was going on.

"Great. Even you can do my job better." She sulked and I snickered. She forgot I had also been at her level at some point.

"Okay. I'll take it from here. We'd better hurry. Your Italian might figure out you're missing soon." She teased and I glared at her.

"He can go fuck a pipe. I still don't get why I have to make him like me. I hate him." I grumbled and she only smiled.

"I'm not your boss remember?" I rolled my eyes. "Erwin is technically not your boss too if you think about it. He pays you to keep you under his wing. He knows you can kill him if you feel like it. Dude is barely trained." Min said and I turned to her.


"He's never told you?" She asked in surprise. "Why the fuck do you think I said 'What?' Of course he didn't." I snapped.

"Over the years we've been receiving requests for your hire. Even Your Italian at some point did too. Seeing as people don't know who Z is as a person, it makes you so valuable. You're a skilled person. They all want a taste of what you do. Erwin refuses to do so that's what makes S.I so respected in our society of Crime and Shit." She explained.

I blinked taking in everything she just said. I never knew about any of this. Was I really an important person?

"That motherfucker." I hissed.

I looked back at the screen. I could crash this whole site and leave S.I penniless but my accounts are also linked so that means I'll go broke.

And I don't mind.

"Your cellphone is ringing." I made a face at her. "Who the hell still says cellphone?" I asked taking it from her.

I glanced at the screen. Unknown.

"Your grandparents." She spat and I snickered and answered the call.

"Where the fuck are you?"

My eyes went wide. "Adrian." I mouthed at Min and she smirked wryly.

I flipped her off before answering him.

"I went out. Why? Anything happen while I was gone?"

"Stay on the line. I'm tracking you right now."

"What?! No don't! I'll come home!" I yelled springing to my feet.

Min raised an eyebrow at me.


Someone knocked on the door and I cursed out in Italian. "Min, you need to hide now!" I whispered and she rushed into the bathroom and locked the door. The knock came again, this time harshly.

"Knock like that again and I'll break your fucking nose!" I snapped before flinging the door open.

Adrian frowned deeply at me before forcing his way in. I scoffed.
"Yeah. Just come on in." I closed the door and turned with my arms folded.

"Why the hell are you here and not at the house?" He questioned.

"I have this thing called freedom of movement. I tend to use it a lot." I said with a casual shrug. I made sure he didn't notice my eyes drifting to the bathroom.

"Do you have toilet paper?" The fuck?

"Uh... No. I used it all." I answered and he looked at me.

"What? I'm human, so yes. I can take a shit." I snapped.

"Where you with some guy and you're hiding him in there? You've looked there thrice in your last sentence." He said calmly as he casually rolled up his sleeves. This man...

"Uh No. I'm not into dudes." He looked at me with genuine shock that almost made me laugh.

"I hope that's a joke to throw me off." He said and I smiled.

"It is. Though I'm not hiding anything. I just wanted some alone time so I came here." I lied.

"And you couldn't have alone time in the house?" He asked suspiciously.

"Not exactly and you know that well." I argued.

He stood and made his way over to the bathroom door. I took in a deep breath.

He opened it and thankfully it was empty.
Min must've had enough time to escape. I glanced at the bathroom with an amused smile.

That's a ridiculously small window. I wonder how she got out.

"Come on. Jace is worried about you." He said and I blinked at his mood flip.

"Okay. Lemme just grab my stuff. I'll meet you outside." I said and he walked out.

Dear Lord. Thank fuck he didn't notice my Laptop wide open and still locked in on the S.I server.

I'd better go stealthy now.

Disclaimer: I don't have anything against people who use the word cellphone.

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Love y'all
Sophie ♥️

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