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It was 2am and I was thirsty. I didn't want to call for Maria so I went down myself. Everyone had already clocked out so it was dead quiet. I walked calmly into the living room first.

Something didn't seem right.

Then I heard a groan. I turned on the lights via command and frowned when I beheld the sight. Ton of bottles amidst Jace and Zara. What were they even thinking?

I sighed and walked closer to them. I went straight for Zara because Jace could go to hell for all I care. "Angel?"

She blinked her eyes open so fast I wondered if she was dead and this was her ghost. She mumbled incoherent words before whining loudly.

"Shh. You're going to wake people." I said softly as she looked on at me.

"You---warrsaurrr pweeetyyy" she blurted. I chuckled lightly and pushed the hair away from her eyes. So she could look at me better.

"Come on. You need some water in your system." I said and picked her up in my arms. I kicked Jace awake before heading to the kitchen.

I sat her down on an island stool and fetched a glass of water for her. She finished it in one go and was finally looking a bit better.

"Why did you drink so much?" I asked. She scoffed and glared at me. Geez. She called me pretty few moments ago.

"All because of one stupid idiot!" She snapped. Her words were alot clearer now but she still seemed drunk and was she referring to me?

"I mean who would want to harm a butterfly?" She asked in an incredulous tone. I was now confused.

"Idiot. Butterfly. Who are we talking about?" I asked. She motioned for me to come closer. I leaned forward and waited.

"Don't tell anyone but he's going to be killed soon." She mumbles sadly. I froze. Was this related to the assassin meant to kill me?

"Who's going to die love? You can tell me." I said softly. I need to get it out of her. "He's pretty but he's good." She muttered. I had a hunch she was talking about me at the moment.

"I'm sure he is. What else?"

She made a face at me. "He's also terrible at communication. And it makes me so confused. I hate being confused." She cried.

Oh. Okay. That's definitely me.

"I want cake." She suddenly said. "I'll give you cake after you tell me everything you know about who is getting killed." I bargained. She scoffed.

"I'm not an idiot. I want cake." She demanded. "And cake you shall have if only you share your information with me." I countered.

She laughed throwing her head back and slipped from her chair. I rushed around and caught her before she could fall. "I'm so tired." She whispered.

Deciding that was enough for today I took her up to my room. I just have to get her drunk enough next time to be my own human Siri. I asks, she answers.

I laid her down and changed her into my shirt. She'd probably kill me when she wakes up but till then. Covering her up well, I laid back in bed beside her and just watched her sleep. She looked breathtaking.

Sighing I closed my eyes. No more confusions. I'm tired of the games anyway.

The next morning, Zara was still asleep beside me and I couldn't help but stare.

This woman is fucking gorgeous. After like 30minutes of watching her sleep I decided to take a shower before she would wake up.

I didn't waste time in the bathroom and stepped out immediately I was done. Looking straight towards the bed where Zara lay, our eyes met. She was blinking rapidly at me.

"Why the fuck am I in your room?!! And you're naked?!!" She screamed jumping on the bed taking the duvet to cover herself.

I rolled my eyes at her and let out a breath. "Nothing happened Angel. Stop freaking out." I said and she scoffed.

"How and why will I believe you? Give me five reasons!" She yelled and threw a pillow at me that smacked my face. I frowned at her in annoyance.

"Woman if I get my hands on you I'll spank you." I warned and her cheeks flamed.

I walked into the closet and started getting dressed. The shower started running and I'm sure it was Zara taking a bath. Not minding her I got dressed and walked back into the room.

"I'm leaving Angel." I called out. The water stopped running.

"Don't you dare leave this room!!" She yelled. Sighing I sat back down on the bed and waited.

I could've left but it's Zara. I just couldn't.


Thoughts? Sorry for the late update.
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