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"He still hasn't woken up. Should I slap him across the face?"

I frowned at Diana who shrugged and handed the bucket of ice cold water to me. I dumped the content all over Andrew who was chained to a chair and he jerked awake.

Good boy.

He looked around in confusion and fear before his eyes found mine. It grew wide and I rolled mine at him.
"Don't be so surprised to see me Andrew. I'm a miracle child after all." I said and he sputtered trying to form a coherent sentence but it seems his stupid braincells were working overtime.

"What are you doing Zara?! Release me this instant!!" His voice boomed and I raised an eyebrow at him. What did he think this was? Diana snorted beside me before laughing out loud.

"That was just embarrassing." She commented and I sighed. I walked over to the table in the corner and put on my gloves. I came back and looked at Andrew.

The man who carried me when I was a child. The man who read princess stories for me over and over before I'd sleep. The man who told me he loves me more than Iron man loves his daughter.

I love you 3000×2 is what people?


This is the same man that took my mother away from me after he discovered who she was. The money hungry man who willingly gave up his little girl all for extra stacks in his safe. The man who left me to die in the hands of Mason and his empire.

This motherfucker.

"First off, It's Z. Remember it because that's the last name you'd be crying on your walk to hell." I spat as my first connected with his face. He choked on his own spot and blood as it dribbled down his chin.

I hit him again. And again and again.

His left eye could barely open now and he was gasping for breath.

"Where is Mason?"

He slowly lifted his head before letting out a humorless laugh. "What makes you think I know?" He asked and I smiled.

"If you knew how very little patience I have right now, you'd be rapping out the answers I need." I snapped and he raised an eyebrow at me daringly.

"You wouldn't hurt Daddy now, will you?" I swiftly grabbed the slim wooden plank from Diana's hand and  smacked him across the face. It broke into pieces as his head lolled to the side.

"Sorry Daddy." I mocked as he yelled in pain. I grabbed his face and stared at him. "Are you gonna talk or should we take a stroll down memory lane? My point of view to be exact." I hissed.


I let go of him and stood upright. He let out a deep breath before speaking.
"He...He never let's me know w-w-where he is. I-I only k-know of his last l-l-location."

That wasn't what I wanted to hear. I grabbed my gun and shot him. He cried out in pain as he jerked forward. I shot again directly at his knee and I could see the tears stream down his eyes.

"Yo! Z chill the fuck out! Your eyes!" Diana whispered the last part harshly and I glared at her. She took a cautious step back.

"Where was his last location?" She asked him. He took his sweet fucking time before telling her.
"I'll go meet Min so she can confirm if he was actually there. Calm Down." She muttered before leaving.

"You know, I always had a feeling that you were alive and out of Mason's hold." He spoke. Someone's gained a little strength.

"And you know this how?" I asked in a calm and clear voice. He glanced at me warily as I held my gun.

"I used to keep tabs on you. Up until you were 16 or 17. When I couldn't I concluded that you were dead." He explained and I nodded. I don't really care.

"You've grown so much my little flower."

Sometimes the speed at which I move baffles even myself as I pulled the trigger and shot at him missing his head by an inch. His eyes were round and fear pooled in them.

"Don't. Fucking. Call. Me. That." I said lowly. He swallowed nervously. Just then Min walked in with Diana.

By looking at Diana I could confirm that Andrew gave us the right location.

"Let's go." I said and he began to panic. "Zara? You..You can't leave me here!" He screamed and I looked at him.

"Oh yeah. I can't." I said then shot him in the head. I walked away without another glance.

Another person checked off my hitlist. Hurray.


"We searched the whole damn place. It's swept clean." Hades said emerging from a room in the huge warehouse we were currently in. I sighed in disappointment and signaled for him to come closer.

"What do we do now Hades? I'm tired of this stupid game of hide and seek." I said running a hand through my hair. He stared at me for a second before pulling me into a hug.

"Now listen, We're gonna get him. You're Z. Remember that time you literally beat me in that match?"

I chuckled. "The algebra one?"

"Exactly! You're good at Maths! If you're excellent at that then you can do anything." He said softly and I held onto him tighter.

"I miss him." I whispered. He rested his chin on my head. "Yeah me too." He said causing me to laugh out loud. He smiled down at me with a full blown grin.

"Come on. The sooner we find that dickhead the faster we can get back to our lives because I'm tired of this shit. I'm in need of a long ass Vacation where I'll go by the name Fernando." He said and I snickered.

We left the warehouse together and returned back to our base.

Progress. Slow but steady.


Hello my Roses! I finally wrote a chapter😭 I apologize that it's short. January has been crazy so far. I fell sick, Attended my grandma's funeral and returned back to school to finish my exams. It's been a rollercoaster.

But I'll try to write more. I have a lot in store for you guys this year.

Love love love you all for 30k+ reads.

Don't forget to Vote, Share and Comment. Reading all your comments is my favorite thing to do.

See you at the next update and Don't forget to check out Regal Rivals too🤭

Follow me on Instagram: __sophie_kvng

Bye Babies!❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25 ⏰

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