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I glared at Jenna. I wasn't doing this. She sighed and pulled me into the closet.

"You promised. You're not allowed to regret your choices now." She stated and I rolled my eyes.

Surprisingly enough, we were getting ready to go for a birthday party. It was her cousin's birthday. Her mother's sister's child apparently turned 5.

I was hesitant because I'll be meeting her mother and a few members of her family.

"What will you wear?"

"Black." I answered and she frowned at me. "It's a birthday party not a funeral Zara. Let's go with opposites. A white dress. Come on." She took my hand pulling me further into the closet.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready? I can get dressed on my own." I snapped and she smiled sweetly. " I am dressed."

She wore a yellow short dress and black platform Loafers. She looks good. I admit.

I turned back to the closet in annoyance. White right? I got this.
I picked out a white short dress and a black and white varsity jacket that I'm certain belongs to Adrian. Too bad, it's mine now.

"Oh beautiful combo. You can slay anything with that hair." She praised and I smirked. I got changed and paired the outfit with white Jordans.

She did my makeup for me after I claimed I was too lazy to do it. Also I didn't do anything with my hair. Just let it fall she said.

"I think we're set. Come on. Adrian's waiting downstairs." She said and I nodded. We got down to the living area where Adrian, Jace, Romero and Maddox were waiting.

"Girls! You look amazing!" Maria squealed and I forced out a bright smile. I turned to Adrian and he stared. "You look nice." He commented. I scoffed. Yeah sure.

"Okay. Dewdrop you're riding with Adrian. Jenna's with me. Mero and Maddox are together. Let's go party!" Jace hollered.

"Shall we?" I asked and he grabbed my hand. I looked down at it and blushed. "We shall." He answered with a smile.

As soon as we got to his family home, I started wishing we could turn back. The place was magnificent and huge. Like really huge. I would get lost if I wasn't me. The party was happening in the Garden so we headed there.

It was a barbie theme event and everywhere I look I saw pink and white. Food were set up at a segregated area with the drinks. There was a bouncing castle and music could be heard. The birthday cake was in a small protective tent and chairs and tables were set up. It was like a mini ball.

"Remember. Keep all convos short and stay by my side." Adrian whispered and I made a face at him. "It's a kids party. What could go wrong?" I asked and he shrugged.

"Uncle Adrian!!!" I watched as an annoying little human jumped at my Italian.

"Lara. Happy birthday princess." He said smiling down at her. She giggled before looking over at me.

"Who's she?" She asked and I narrowed my eyes at her.
"She's my fiancee." Adrian answered and I did a double take. Lara gasped. I was going to ignore what this dimbat just said.

"You're getting married?!" She whispered and Adrian nodded playing along I assume. "Yes but don't tell anyone. It's a secret. You can keep it right?" She nodded enthusiastically.

I finally put a warm smile on my face. "Hello Lara. I'm Zara." I said and she grinned. "Our names are so similar! That's cool. You're pretty." She said and I smiled again.

"Thank you. And a happy birthday to you." I wished.

"ADRIAN JAX ROMANO!! YOU STUBBORN GOAT!" I blinked in shock and snickered. Adrian put Lara down and she ran off to meet her friends.

I watched as the woman approached us while glaring at Adrian.

Quinn Romano. His mother.

"Hello Mama." He greeted and she pulled him into a hug.

"Dios Mio Bambino! I've missed you! You don't want to visit your mother anymore si?" She questioned and Adrian explained he was just busy.

"And who's this? Another one of your bed warmers?" She questioned frowning at me. I scoffed loudly.

"Please, I'd break his hand if he ever tried to lay a finger on me." I said and she smirked.

"I like you. What's your name dear? Come let's have a drink!" She said taking me with her to meet a whole other lot of people. I turned to look at Adrian briefly and he gave me a reassuring nod. Dear lord.

Currently I was in the midst of Quinn, Jenna, Romero, Maddox, Matteo and Elliot, twins and friends of Adrian, and Emily. Lara's mother. What were the boys even doing here? Aren't they supposed to be like protecting and watching over us. I noticed there were men everywhere around us.

"What's the deal with you and Adrian?" Emily asked and I frowned.

"There's no deal." I said.

"You shitting me? Jace told me he called you his Donna one time. Are you two secretly dating?" Romero asked and I made a face at him. The fuck?

"Uh no. We're not." I answered.

"Well, Do you like him?" Matteo asked. I glared at him and he raised his hands.
"Or not. Don't answer that."

"Guys. Chill. Don't sweat it. We'll all attend the wedding one day." Jenna teased as they all laughed.

I rolled my eyes and found Adrian. He was in the midst of Lara and her friends and he was smiling at all of them.

Would you look at that.

"I need a drink." Elliot said and I turned to him. "You're not drinking at a birthday party Elliot." Emily chided and he grumbled in annoyance.

Adrian made his way over to us with Jace in his trail. "Here he comes." Maddox whistled.

"Can I take what's mine now?" He asked. I blinked. Did he just? My cheeks flamed and I cleared my throat looking away.

"Sure Bambino. She's all yours." Quinn said and I blushed even harder. What the?

He stretched out his hand to me and I took it not wanting to be in the spotlight anymore.

"Let's go for a walk Angel. I apologize for this bit of my family. There's a lot more you haven't experienced yet." He said and I laughed.

Leading me away from all the noise, I took in a deep breath.

Ah. This is nice.

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Also I wanna thank everyone for 2k+ reads. You all are so amazing❤️❤️

Love y'all

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