I hissed in pain. I glanced down at my finger that I had cut while slicing carrots. What the heck am I doing in this kitchen though? Oh yeah. Trying to make food for over 100 men. With no help.
I watched as my blood flowed out and blinked. I rushed over to the sink and turned the water on and watched.
"Did you cut yourself already? You've barely started." I turned in fright and glared at Adrian.
"The fuck man?! Why would you do that?" I hissed and he scoffed before looking around.
"What are you trying to make?" He asked and I frowned. "Food. Smartass."
I went back to slicing the carrots and he came up behind me. I froze as I felt his breath on my neck. "Those are too big for the rice don't you think?" He asked and I slid away. "It's for the sauce. I want it to be chunky." I argued.
"Make the meat for that instead."
"Don't teach me how to cook. I know how to do it. It's either you make yourself useful or you get the fuck out." I snapped and he smirked.
He walked over to a cabinet and opened it then pulled out an apron similar to the one I had on and two chef hats.
"We need to look the part." He said and I stayed silent as he fixed the cap on my head. I blinked in shock. What was that?
He turned to face me with his arms open for an approval on his outfit.
"Just get the pots and pans out. You already know you look good." I said and turned away.
He chuckled. He did as I asked and for the next hour we worked silently without getting in each other's way.
"Pass me the salt will ya?" I asked stretching my hand out. He placed in my hand and I mumbled out a thank you and continued stirring the sauce.
I was almost done.
"It smells amazing in here." Jenna said as she walked in and opened the fridge to grab a can of water. "Zara?! You're cooking. That is one hell of a surprise." She mused and I gave her a dry look.
"Trust me. I don't want to be here. I'm doing this for Jace. As an apology. I don't remember the last time I cooked." I said and she blinked.
"That is a scary thing to hear." Adrian said as he walked over to the sink to wash his hands clean.
The maids finally came in to help serve and I knew it was my cue to disappear to my room and take a long nap.
I sneaked towards the back door and yelped when I felt hands go around my waist. "And where do you think you're going to?" Adrian asked lowly and I swallowed.
"Uh..I..I gotta use the bathroom first."I stuttered. Since when did I stutter??
"Nice try Angel. You're staying." He stated and I rolled my eyes.
"You can't force me." I snapped.
He raised an eyebrow in challenge. I stared back defiantly.
I let out a scream as he picked me up and over his shoulder."Adrian! Put me down. No no no!" He was headed towards the dinning room. I groaned as he walked in with everyone watching. Even Ria was here. He got to the head of the table and dropped me in the right hand side. I was certain my face was flushed.
He settled beside me and everyone bowed at him like he was some King. I guess he is.
I turned to my right and saw Jace staring at me with wide eyes.
"What?" I hissed. He cleared his throat.Everyone was staring. Obviously.
The food had already been served so I don't know why no one was eating yet. I leaned towards Adrian.
"Why isn't anyone eating?" I whispered. He looked down at me. "I believe they're waiting for you to take the first bite." He whispered back. I blinked.
"Why? It's not like I'm the Donna or anything. You should take the first bite." I whispered again.
"You're in the seat reserved for the title. You should do the honors." He told me. I glanced at everyone again and my gaze locked with Ria's.
She was glaring holes at me.
I rolled my eyes and picked up my spoon and took a bite from my plate.
After I swallowed, everyone started to help themselves. That is weird, I thought.
"The food is nice Zara. Apology accepted." Jace commented and I smirked.
"This was just a bonus. You care about me too much to be mad at me. Though I kinda am sorry." I said with a smile. He shook his head and continued eating.
"I'd feel a lot comfortable if Ria stopped looking at me like that." I muttered. "Does she bother you?"
"Huh? What?" I looked at Adrian.
He tilted his head in an adorable way.
"If she bothers you then you say it." He explained.
"I can handle it. Thanks." I said and faced my food.I cursed in my mind. What was I doing? Playing house with Adrian was not part of my plan.
I stood up and grabbed an apple from the table.
"Dinner was lovely." I said to everyone's hearing."Thank you Miss."
"The food is tasty."
"You're a wonderful chef!"
I smiled in return.
I barely spared Adrian a glance before leaving the room.
I gotta take a much need nap.A/N
Please share, Vote and Comment.Lots of Love.

AORA : His Little Liar
RomantikShe's not your average girl. Tossed into the world of guns and death at a young age, She's already used to it all. Trained to become a cold-hearted killer. When she's given a target to eliminate, it turns out her heart isn't so cold after all. Inst...