I felt so embarrassed. When I woke up I was in a different room from what I remembered was mine.
I didn't even bother to sit up and just lay there staring at the ceiling trying to remember whatever the fuck happened.
What the fuck happened?
"Are you just gonna lay there and play sleeping beauty?"
I reacted quickly and grabbed the hand that reached towards me and twisted."Ow! What the fuck?!" Adrian yelled and I released his hand with a gasp.
"I am so sorry. I thought you wanted to kill me." I apologized and he glared at me. "On the contrary, I saved your goddamn life!" He snapped.
I ran a hand through my hair and glanced around. "Where am I?" I asked getting up. "My room and sit your ass down!" He ordered and I don't know why but I obeyed.
"Why did you bring me here? My room is right next to yours." I complained and he glared down at me before forcing a glass of water in my hands along with two pills.
"What is this?" I asked sniffing the tablets.
"Rat Poison." He deadpanned and I frowned. Okay...
I swallowed the tablets and drank the water halfway. "Now, what happened back there?" He asked and I shrugged nonchalantly.
"I don't know. I'm still trying to remember."
"Well why don't I jog your memory? Hm? You yell at my baby sister for wanting to help you then enter into a mental panic and kept screaming like a desperate bitch!" He snarled.
I screamed?
"I don't know what you're talking about." I muttered with an eye roll.
"You better know right now Ms Davis or so help me God I will force it out of you myself." He said lowly and I blinked. I wasn't phased. I've gone through training that managed to kill me and bring me back to life and my pain endurance is high.
"I wish I did." I mumbled trying to sound honest. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me forward. I yelped in surprise as we stood a few inches apart.
"I'd watch my back if I were you. I notice everything." He whispered lowly and I swallowed. How can the sexual tension in here be so high right now?
"Whatever floats your boat Mr Romano." I whispered back and he let go.
"Get out. I don't want to see you here once I'm back."
He turned and left while I just stood there trying to catch my breath. I caught a glimpse of myself and I was in a shirt. Very different from what I had been wearing.That bastard! How dare he undress me?!
I looked around the room again. No camera. I still had to be cautious. I left but not after putting something out of place. He's surely going to notice that.
If he doesn't, then it confirms my theory that he could be possibly blind.
After the encounter in his room, I was quick to find solitude in my own room to gather myself.
My phone ringing jerked me out of the trance I had fallen in. I grumbled as I snatched the thing off the table.
"Woah. Who the fuck smudged your cake?" I rolled my eyes at the annoying sound I recognized as Freya's voice.
A level one agent. What gave her the guts to even call me?
"Why did you call?" I asked going straight to business."Okay. No time to waste it is. Well, Boss Erwin asked to tell you that he would be needing weekly reports on your ongoing mission." She informed. I frowned in anger.
"And he couldn't tell me this himself?" She stuttered in fear and I ended the call and dialled Min's number.
"What the fuck is going on?" I snapped immediately she answered.
"Beats me. I was demoted today." She explained and I frowned more in shock."What?"
"Yeah. Got an email. Moving back to Level 2 I guess." She muttered.
"Why? You're one of the best!" I argued and she sighed.
"I think something's going on Z. You'll have to figure it all out. I gotta go. Still cleaning out my space." She ended the call and I groaned angrily. What the heck is happening?I quickly got dressed in black sweatpants and a black crop top. I need to clear my head. Barefoot and hair loose and wild, I made my way to the training room. Thankfully no one was in here.
I walked over to the punching bag and started hitting it in anger. With every emotion I felt, I hit harder and with every thought running in my head, I hit faster.
My knuckles were already bleeding but I could barely feel the pain.
I screamed out in anger and fell to my knees.For the second time in my life, I felt clueless. The first being related to my Mother's death.
I looked down at my bloody hands and sighed. "I've got bandages." I frowned and looked up at Jace. He smiled and knelt to help me. I snatched my hands away as he reached for them.
"I'm not going to hurt you Tesoro." I stared before letting him take my hands.
"These are pretty bruised badly." He muttered as he worked. His face was scrunched in focus as he bit his lip unconsciously while wrapping the bandages.
"There. All done." He said moving away. I looked at my hands. Then back at him.
"Thank you."
He smiled in response. We both got up and he released a breath.
"There's so much I don't know about you Zara. You can tell me anything." He said and I raised an eyebrow."You can't be trusted Jace. You're the second in command to a mafia leader." I pointed out and he smiled sheepishly.
"And you're my Friend, Dewdrop." He teased and I blinked.
"It just slipped out." He defended. "Like you do during sex?" I shot back and his jaw slacked.
"Harsh. I should call you Blazing Fire instead." He spat and I cracked a smile.
"I prefer Dewdrop. Douchebag." I turned and started walking out and he followed.
"You should go to bed." He said. "It's only evening Jace. Wait. Evening? I've been asleep all day?" I asked and he winced.
"Yeah. It's not that bad. You needed rest. The doctor said you were stressed." I swivelled causing him to stop.
"Doctor? Who?" I asked and he smiled.
"Treyvon. The guy you met earlier. He's the new doctor. The last one got killed in a rampage." He explained and I mentally snorted.
Hades is the new Doctor? That's suspicious.
"Okay. I'm hungry. Come on." I said and he grimaced.
"You sure?" The fuck is he talking about?"Yes Jace. I'm pretty certain that I'm hungry." I snapped.
He smirked before dragging me along.
Thoughts?What do you think is going on at the agency?
Please Vote, Comment and Share!
It's greatly appreciated.Thank you and Love you all.
Sophie ❤️

AORA : His Little Liar
RomanceShe's not your average girl. Tossed into the world of guns and death at a young age, She's already used to it all. Trained to become a cold-hearted killer. When she's given a target to eliminate, it turns out her heart isn't so cold after all. Inst...