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I've always hated scouting as an agent. It meant interacting and conversing with people to get information.

I was going out today under the guise of Shopping with Jenna. I apologized to her about what happened last week and she forgave me.

She seemed really eager to be friends and I couldn't deny her that. She's just too adorable most times.

The streets of Milan looked fascinating to me. Surprisingly, I haven't been here for any mission hence my awe at everything.

"Where do we go first?" I asked turning to Jenna. We were still in the car and in another behind us, Three guards waited.

"There. My mother always loves shopping there. I bet we'll find some cool stuff there." She said pointing to a classy boutique I'd rather never enter in my entire life.

I nodded thoughtfully as I scanned the whole area for any possible threats.

Not only is Jenna's safety important she's still a teen that needs to be protected due to her Brother's image.

We stepped out of the car and made our way into the boutique. With Jenna dressed in a White dress and matching boots, I dressed in Black sweatpants and matching sweatshirt with a black coat over it, and the guards in their signature black outfit,

She looked like a Dove among Ravens.

"Ms Romano! Welcome. You brought friends!!" I frowned at the overly bubbly woman who engulfed Jenna in a hug.

"I guess I did." Jenna said smiling at me. I returned it but it barely lasted as she turned back to Priya.

"So how can I help you guys? I have a few new collections that were brought in just an hour ago!" As she spoke she led us further into the shop.

I glanced at the bright outfits and grimaced. Wow.

"Maybe something a little toned? I doubt Zara would wear this." I looked over at the mention of my name to see Priya holding a green dress that looks a lot like vomit.

I snickered and continued to browse quietly. Few attendants walked up to me but I casually brushed them off.

It's been almost 30 minutes and I was getting fed up. I walked back to where I left Jenna and found only Priya.

"Where's Jenna?" I asked and she spared me a glance.
"Ms Romano already left. I guess she forgot her shadow." She sneered and I rolled my eyes.

Jenna wouldn't just leave like that. The girl has been dying to be by my side all week and the day she finally gets the chance, she's gone.

I walked away from Priya and walked outside. I was pushed away in time as a bullet whizzed past me. I blinked up at my saviour and gasped.


He stood up and looked around. "Where's Jenna?" He asked and I also stood up.
"I don't know. I just asked that lady in there and she said she left. I was just about to call her." I explained and he glared at me.

"How could you let her out of your sight?!" He snapped and I scoffed.
"Excuse me?! You had three men on the job! I don't see them anywhere! I wasn't even that focused on shopping." I defended and he sighed.

"Get in the car. People are staring." He muttered and placed his hand on my lower back, forcing me in the direction of the car.

I shrugged him off and walked to the driver's side and got in.
"Angel? What are you doing?" He asked staring at me.
"It's either you get in or I'm driving off." I spat.

He begrudgingly got into the passenger seat and I started the car. I must say, He had great taste in cars. A blue BMW Nazca M12 one of it's three kind in the world if I'm correct.

I sped down the road as my eyes searched the streets for any signs of a Dove.

"Where the fuck did you learn to Drive?" Adrian chipped in as I swerved through a sharp turn.

"My Uncle." That wasn't a lie. My Mother's brother Jay actually taught me to drive.

"He's one heck of a teacher and you're a terrible student." He muttered and I smirked.
Funny enough, Uncle Jay had said something along those lines too.

I hit the brakes as my eyes caught something. "Is that..." Adrian trailed off as I parked the car.

We got out and he ran towards the alleyway where a pair of Jenna's boots lay. She must've taken it off to give us a hint.

"She's around here somewhere. Here." Adrian tossed me a gun and I gave him a crazy look. I didn't forget I had to play clueless and that was a nice try on his part.

"You expect me to shoot someone?" I asked. "Yeah. It's easy. Just aim and pull." He mumbled and I let out a breath.

"If I shoot you by mistake, I am not sorry at all." I said and he rolled his eyes. We walked separate ways and I grumbled under my breath.

Stupid asshole.

I looked around carefully and ran my hands against the wall.
Hearing a leaf crunch, I turn and get a punch to the face. I fell and backed away.

The man glared down at me with recognition and hate. Did I know this fella?

"What are doing here Z? Erwin sent you to kill me?!" He snarled and I only hope Adrian was out of earshot.

"Maybe." I aimed and pulled the trigger. The bullet pierced his arm and I shot again, this time at both his legs. I sighed and stood over him as he writhed in pain.

"Where's the girl?" I asked and he frowned. "Why should I tell you?" He spat.

"Well, if you don't wanna tell me, You can tell him." I said nodding at Adrian who approached us.

The man's eyes went wide with fear.

"I'll tell you! Don't hurt me please!" He begged and Adrian joined in at aiming his gun to his head.

"She's being taken to the docks! Something about Trafficking!" He sputtered and I rolled my eyes as Adrian pulled the trigger.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

I nod.

"We should go. Are the docks close by?" I asked. He stretched out his palm and I gave him the car keys not wanting to argue.

We left the alley and got in the car to drive to the docks. I hope Jenna's okay.


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