Chapter 9

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I'm working my 1st Open mic night.....I really hadn't thought about this night until this morning, or maybe I just didn't want to think about this night if I'm being completely honest with myself. Watching how easy it is for others to get up on stage in front of a load of strangers and perform without any kind of fear. Why the hell can't I be like them? Why can't I not give a damn what others think about me? If I want to make music my life, then I need to figure out how to get over this fear....and quick!

When I arrive at the bar to start my shift, Niall is perched on the edge of the stage with a guitar in his lap, it's a thing of beauty.

"A Lowden...very nice Ni" I say dropping down next to him on the stage and eyeing the guitar. "Another of my pride and joys" he says, cradling it like a baby before handing it over to me to inspect. "Beautiful" I run my hands over the wood.

"Go on mate, give it a go" Niall encourages. I look down at the guitar and then at Niall sadness creeping into my eyes "you know I can't mate?" I pass the guitar back and start to stand when Niall puts a hand on my shoulder to stop me leaving "hear me out Harry, please?" I sit back down and look across at him as he start's strumming. "You can't play your own stuff right? but how about starting with playing someone else's music?" I sit silently beside him thinking about the question. "I tried once for a school talent show when I was about 11. I froze the minute that stage light hit me, literally couldn't breathe, couldn't move a fucking muscle mate." I say. Niall pats my knee in comfort saying "That was a long time ago Harry, you're 22 now. I think if you can get past that fear just once, you will be absolutely flying after that. Honestly I do!" We both sit in silence, just the sound of Niall strumming for a few minutes. "One day, maybe" is all I say and I'm up on my feet and starting my shift.

Looking down at the list of names signed up for open mic tonight I can tell it's going to rammed in here tonight. I'm behind the bar with Louis and Liam whilst Zayn stands just inside the door, making sure no trouble starts.

I'm told Niall always kicks off Open mic night with the 1st performance. The crowd are cheering as he takes his palace on the stool in front of the mic with that beautiful guitar perched on his knee. He coughs and clears his throat. "Evening everyone. Welcome back to Shamrocks open mic night" the packed bar roars and claps again. "So I will kick things off as usual" He strums and adjusts a few strings before coming back to the mic "Until that day Harry, this one's for you" My head snaps up at the sound of my name, Niall's singing for me. Wow, I'm trying to hold back my emotions, Niall has no idea what this means to me.

Waking up to kiss you and nobody's there

The smell of you perfume still stuck in the air

It's hard

Its funny how things never change in this old town

So far from the stars

And i want to tell you everything

The words i never got to say the first time around

And remember everything

From when we were children playing in this fairground

Wish i was there with you now

If the whole world was watching i'd still dance with you

Drive highways and byways to be there with you

Over and over the only truth

Everything comes back to you

Everything comes back to you.

Niall plays the last chord then points directly at me and places his hand over his heart. I imitate the same motion back to him.

He has faith in me just like Robin, Mum, Gem and Lou do! One day I will do this!

The minute he's off stage I'm wrapping him up in a huge hug. He holds my face in his hands "That will be you one day I promise" holding our gaze for a moment. I nod at him, "Thanks for that Ni, love you" "love ya too kid" he messes my hair with his hand as I try and swat it away laughing.

Every single customer in this bar cheered and clapped for every performance here tonight. No judgement or boos, nothing! Would this be the reaction I get if I sang my songs? Am I starting to come around to trying again? Can I push past the panic and fear? So many questions and at the moment I have no clear answers.

"You lads okay locking up?" Niall asks both Louis and I. He's got a pretty blond haired girl wrapped around him. "Of course. Go have fun" Louis smiles and makes a shoo motion with his hands. "Night Boss" I say with a laugh. Niall winks and says "I'm sure I will" at us before they leave.

I'm loading the washer with glasses when I feel the flick of a towel and a slight sting on my butt. "Ouch Lou" I spin quickly with my own towel now in hand, holding it up ready for war.

"Try it H" he taunts with a smile and takes off running. I'm after him like a shot. I grab hold of his arm, I spin him around and his chest bounces off mine just as he is about to reach the front of the stage. I was never gonna flick him with the towel, but he doesn't need to know that. I surge forward instantly, our tongues connecting immediately, hands exploring each other frantically and I quickly feel the desire and want for Louis going right to my hardening dick. I can't quite believe what comes out of my mouth next, "Take me Lou" I'm breathing hard into his neck."Here?" he moans out as he puts his hands into my hair and pulls my head from the crook of his neck to look in my eyes. I hope he can see the fire and heat in them, there's no way I want to stop now.

Louis surveys my face for a minute, I'm sure he's reading my thoughts and with a subtle nod he reconnects our mouths. I pop the button of my jeans open and I move quickly to get Louis open aswell, his hands drop to mine and he squeezes them, I look up from working his jeans open "Don't move" he's running off again.

Louis has something in his hand when he returns, a condom. "We have to be quick, Niall would kill us if he found out " he laughs and swiftly spins me around.

I'm now chest flat on the stage with my legs slightly spread as Louis pulls my jeans and boxers down my thighs. I glance over my shoulder and watch as he licks his finger and slowly circles my hole, teasing it before gently easing it into me. "Lou" I moan. "I've got you baby" Suddenly his tongue is licking around his finger. Fuck, that tongue is a wonderful thing. I close my eyes and let myself be carried away by this blissful and divine feeling.

We work up to 3 fingers quickly, both of us incredibly desperate now. I hear Louis tear open the condom and then his solid dick brushes tenderly against my waiting hole. "Fuck me" I'm begging him now, i clearly have no shame. Louis starts to push into me deliberately slow, there's a slight sting as he bottoms out but if I'm honest it's a delicious feeling.

We pick up a speedy pace quickly. Louis grip tight on my hips, I'm silently pleading that he leaves marks that way I have a physical memory of this not just mental and emotional. He's pounding into me as I push back meeting him on every thrust. One of Louis hands leaves my hip and drags slowly up my spine, I can't help the shiver that feeling brings on. His hands on me sends fiery sparks of pleasure bubbling deep in my veins.

He tangles that hand in my curls and pulls my head back slightly arching my back, I feel him so deep. I can't take much more of this punishing pleasure, I'm now craving my release. My prostate is being deliciously tortured by almost every thrust of Louis' now. "Fuck Lou, I'm close" His grip tightens on my hip and he pistons his hips erratically now and groans out "Come for me babe" With that I'm a goner. Louis' hand sinks deep into my curls as he grips and spills into me. I don't think there's a better feeling in this whole world!

"H, did you lock the door after Niall left?" Louis is asking as we are fixing our clothes back into place. The realisation dawns on us both. Fuck! "Imagine if Niall came back" I giggle. "We would be jobless and I would be homeless....and that would be all your fault Styles" He's smirking at me as he pulls me in for a kiss, smiling the whole time. 

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