Chapter 20

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I drive straight to the hospital when I leave London, I was pretty emotional when I left Louis flat so I really need a hug from mum. I've left my heart and soul with Louis, done all I can, so the ball is now well and truly in his court.

I know he was shocked to see me on his door step today and I guess dropping all my feelings like a bomb on him must have been alot for him, so I understand that he needs time to process everything. I won't lie though, not contacting him is gonna be torture.

Gem and mum are jointly doing a crossword when I walk into her room. " Hi darling, how'd it go?" mum asks straight away abandoning her pen. "Well...." I sigh out as I sit down, "Louis knows everything. So, it's up to him now, I guess" Mum offers me a caring smile and says "proud of you son, knew you could do it" I have to admit though I feel lighter now, I just hope things go the way I want. sensing I wasn't really wanting to talk about Louis anymore Gem says "Oh, how did it go with Niall?" I give her a little smile and say "I'm on the list sis" Gem claps her hands excitedly "Yes bro" she beams at me. I take a moment to think to myself "All I have to do now is keep the fear and anxiety in check and we're all good" I say alittle nervously. "You've got this love. We're all here for you, to support you through this" mum squeezes my hand reassuringly, then pulls me in for a hug, I instantly relax into her arms. She really is the best, I will forever cherish my time with her and Gem because this last week or so has shown me that you never know when your time will be up, do you?

I've been back in Holmes Chapel 2 days now and I haven't heard a word from Louis yet. For my own state of mind I'm going with the no news is good news theory, my own hope and happiness depends on that right now.

So I'm currently trying to ignore all the thought and feelings surrounding Louis to concentrate on the most important thing just now and that's mum coming home from hospital today. I can't quite believe it, just short of 2 weeks ago I was so afraid I was going to lose her and my heart was shattered.

Today though I'm feeling good and optimistic about what's to come, yeah my hearts still allttle bit broken but I'm trying not to think about that for now, I'm still holding onto hope that Louis will sort that part of my heart out and come back to me.

I leave Gem at home to make sure the house is set up for mum coming home and I head for the hospital to collect her.

As I enter the lift, I'm drawn to the 2nd floor button, so Before I go to mum's ward I head back up to the ICU.

"Erm, I'm here to speak to nurse Meg, if she's on duty" I say into the intercom on the door. "Harry love, is everything okay" Meg says concerned, rushing towards me just as I'm buzzed through the door. "Oh yeah, fine. Sorry, didn't mean to worry you. I just wanted to come by and say....well, to say thanks for what you did for me that 1st night mum was in here. You know, the panic attack and..... the shit coffee" I say laughing alittle. Meg looks up at me with those lovely caring eyes again "Aww, Harry. It was no bother at all" She says smiling at me. "Anne doing well?" A huge smile spreads across my face as I tell her "she's actually coming home today. I'm just heading there now" I say indicating towards the door. She pats my arm and beams at me "That's Lovely to hear. Well don't let me keep you dear" I lean down and give her a quick hug "Thank you again" I whisper as I pull away. "Go take your mum home and tell her I said Hello, okay?" I give her a little nod and push back through the door and down a floor to mums ward.

When I get to mum's room she's dressed and packed and sitting on the large cushioned chair by the window, looking out. I'm never going to take for granted seeing mum in all her grace and beauty ever again. "You okay?" I say as I drop onto the side of the bed. "Of course love, I'm looking forward to being at home and in my own bed, will be bliss" she smiles. "That's good" I say as I turn and pull the zip shut on her holdall on the bed. "Actually, I was just thinking about my Robin" she softly says, turning back to the window and pointing at the sky. He will always be her Robin, I know that. They were so in love and it broke us all when Robin got sick. I hope one day mum will be ready to find someone else to share her life with but I know no-one will ever replace Robin for her.

"He's been with us the whole time mum, I'm sure of it" I say softly. She nods at me and smiles. "Let me take these bags to the car and then we will get you home" I drop a kiss onto her head and head for the door.

The front door fly's open and Gem races towards the car as soon as I've stopped in the driveway, I've not even turned the engine off yet, I'm guessing she must have been watching for us from the window.

It takes both of us to get mum into the house, settled and comfy on the sofa with her tea, blankets and magazines. Mum smiles at both of us and sighs happily as she sips on her tea. I can see her physically relax into the sofa.

Gem and I drop down on the opposite sofa, It's so good to have mum home with us.

All I really want to do right now is tell Louis that mums home,he hear his voice but I'm giving him his space, so I choose to pull up our group chat instead of Louis number.

H- Hi lads, just a quick update. Mum got home today! So, hopefully won't be much longer until I'm back with you crazy lot x

Liam- That's great H. We will need to celebrate when your back (PS. Z is being a lazy twat and not texting but says he's happy for you) x

B- Good stuff H. Flats too quiet without you x

N- Buzzin for you lad. X

I go to shut my phone down because I've become used to Louis not replying lately, so I'm surprised when his name appears on my screen. It's only 3 words, but that's 3 words more than I've heard from him in days, so I will take that.

Lou- Good to hear

As I slouch down and get comfy beside Gem on the sofa, I lock my phone and pocket it, with a huge smile is on my face. I can't help but feel my hope build alittle and my heart flutter at the thought that hopefully this is the start of us making our way back to each other. 

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