Chapter 12

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Gemma's POV- Hearing about Anne's Accident

I'm so bloody tired, I tell myself as I aggressively slam my hand onto my alarm clock, the sound piercing my ears. It's 5.30am, I can snooze for another half an hour and still make it to work on time.

I should never have agreed to stay out with my area manager Marie last night, she's nursing a broken heart and I felt sorry for her. My phone had died early in the night as well but I doubt I really missed anything?!

I clumsily reach across the bedside unit and feel around to where I popped my phone on charge when I got home just a few hours ago. I lay back down and close my eyes as it boots up.

What the fuck, my eyes fly open and I sit up quickly, grabbing it off the charger. Beep after beep after beep, they just keep coming thick and fast. Missed calls from Harry and Ben, also 2 missed calls from an unknown number. There's a voicemail as well. I start to listen, it's from Harry.

"Hey Gem, call me back when you get this please, it's important...." There's a pause before he finishes "It's mum." I'm hit with panic right in the gut and rush to call him back.

The call connects to Harry after a few rings as I fling the duvet off me, leap to my feet and start pacing the room, god what's going on?

"Gem, where the fuck have you been?" I pull the phone away from my ear a little, he's screaming at me. "My phone died when I was out last night H, I've literally just switched it back on and got your voicemail. What's up with mum?" I'm speaking quickly, I need to know everything's okay. I try to control the worry in my voice, I can hear Harry's absolutely frantic and I need to try and keep myself and him as calm as possible. "Gem, it's bad" he says and that stops my pacing.

Holy fuck, I dart to my closet and throw my overnight bag on the bed and start chucking in any random shit, I can't think straight, I just know I need to get to mum and Harry now. "How bad H?" The tears are now streaming down my face, blurring my vision. "She was in a crash, broken leg needed surgery, cracked ribs, brain injury, sedated now....and" he pause's, unable to finish his sentence. I take a huge deep breath trying to fill my lungs with air, I'm struggling to catch my breath.

"I'm on my way H. I'll be with you soon, okay?" He lets out a distressed sob and my heart is breaking into pieces for him. He whispers "okay" and hangs up.

I launch my phone down on the bed and run around my flat like a maniac packing.

I'm so fucking angry with myself right now, I should have checked my phone before I went to sleep, why the fuck didn't I?

Harry's had to deal with hearing about mum alone, I'm such a shit big sister. I owe him a hundred apologies when I get to Holmes Chapel. I hope he forgives me, I can't have my little brother hating me, not right now anyway!

I drop my bag at the front door and grab my jacket. I spin around and scan the flat quickly....I stand in the silence for a moment, trying to slow my brain down enough to gather my thoughts, okay Gem you got this! I dash out the door scooping my bag up as I go. I will be with mum and H in an hour, that's what I keep repeating to myself as I race towards the train station.  

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