Chapter 23

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I can't take not touching him any longer, so I reach out for his hand and pull him towards me, needing to close the distance between us. I'm surprised when he comes easily, his chest pressing against mine. Louis' free hand comes up and my eyes flutter shut as his fingers delicately caress my cheek and I immediately lean into his touch.

"I've missed you'' Louis whispers as his hand smoothly moves from my cheek to the back of my neck. "God Lou, you have no idea how much I've missed you." I say in a hushed emotional voice as I open my eyes and gaze at him. "I'm so sorry I let you walk away last week H" he rubs his thumb soothingly across the back of my neck and continues to talk "I should never have asked you to leave. I came after you when I got your letter babe, but you were already gone." My eyes go wide in shock "What? Really?" Louis subtly nods "Yeah, I wanted to tell you, all those things you wrote about, I want them aswell. I want my forever with you too" I literally can't believe what I'm hearing, he wants me, wants Us forever too! I dive at him, throwing my arms around him into a fierce hug. When I pull back from our embrace, he's got the biggest smile I've ever seen on his face. "I love you, H'' He's connecting our lips before I even have a chance to say anything back, so I mumble "I love you, so much" in between kisses and smiles. I'm so overwhelmed and happy that when Louis pulls away I have tears rolling down my cheeks "Aww baby, don't cry" Louis rubs away my tears with his thumbs. "They're happy tears Lou, honestly" I lean in for another kiss. I've missed him, his lips, his touch, everything.

"Get a room" Niall yells from the bar, we both burst out laughing. Louis flips him off as he links our hands together and we make our way across to everyone.

"He's not got a room for tonight Niall....mum and I stole his" Gem laughs out.

Shit...mum has just witnessed me snogging Louis, I should be embarrassed by that thought but I'm far from it. Infact, I had actually forgot that anyone else was in the room with us.

"Mum, this is Louis" I beam at her. "Nice to finally meet you son" she says as she stands and pulls him in for a hug. Louis doesn't seem to mind her being tactile though and returns the hug.

"You too. It's good to see you up and about" he says, as he comes back to my side and links our hands again. "Thank you Louis, aren't you sweet" I can't peel the smile off my face when mum winks at me.

"So, have you pair finally got your shit together?" Liam asks with a little chuckle. I look to Louis and he's already looking at me, a wide smile across his face and eyes gleaming "Absolutely"

"You're right Gemma, he is a cute little dish" mum giggles as she turns towards her and nods in agreement. Oh my fucking god, I can't believe she just said that out loud. I go crimson red with embarrassment as everyone else erupts in laughter. As the giggles start to die down Niall announces "We need to toast to our Harry, smashed it tonight lad" and pops open a bottle of champagne. "Why is everyone embarrassing me tonight?" I say over a nervous laugh "You deserve it son, you were so good tonight and now everyone in here knows it" mum says grinning from ear to ear as she holds up her glass waiting for us all to join her.

I don't stray far from Louis the rest of the night, it's like our linked hands are glued together and in all honesty I'm more than happy with that, I want to be close and touching him always. Every time I look at him and our eyes connect, I'm absolutely hypnotised by them, I can see the love and want for me shining brightly in them.

"Stay with me H, stay with me forever" Louis tiptoes up and whispers shyly into my ear. "Always Lou" I reply straight away and drop a chaste little kiss to the side of his mouth.

I'm more than ready to leave with Louis, I've been keen to leave with him as soon as I laid my eyes on him, so I gulp down the last of my bubbles and then raise my eyebrows at Louis, silently hoping he gets what I'm trying to say. He giggles and shakes his head but finishes his drink swiftly. Yep, he knows exactly what I want.

"Mum, are you okay getting back to the flat with Gem and Ben or do you need me?" I ask, looking at them both. Mum reaches out and gently squeezes my arm "Go on, love. I will be absolutely fine" I lean in a drop a kiss on her head "thanks mum" and then I move onto Gem for a quick hug. "Go enjoy your little dish" she sniggers at me, I playfully shove her but can't stop the giggles leaving me. I spin back towards Louis, he's all ready to go, his jacket on and my guitar case in one of his hands. I'm smiling like a Cheshire cat as he reaches a hand out to me "Louis, you know the more sex in the shared areas" Niall cackles out. That causes everyone to burst out in laughter again "Remember we already broke that rule, ya dick! " he sassily throws over his shoulder as he pulls us towards the door.

The last time I was at Louis flat I was broken hearted and desperate for Louis to trust me, this time it couldn't be any further from that, as I stand at his door, my hearts full with love, and hope and happiness.

I'm pressed up close to Louis back as he unlocks the door, my need and want for all of him has been bubbling within me all night.

The minute the door shut behind us I drop my guitar case on the floor and I grab Louis into me, claiming his lips quickly. I need the kind of kiss we couldn't share at the bar. One that's hot, passionate and needy. Louis hands fly up to my hair, he pulls out my bun releasing my curls and runs his fingers through them, I moan loudly as he gently pulls my head in closer devouring me lustfully.

When we pull back to catch our breath Louis pants out "That song tonight, was incredible H" I hoped he would like it "It was for you Lou. Everything I was thinking and feeling these last few weeks, I poured into that song" He places a hand over my heart "Thank you babe, I can't believe you made me a song" I drop my forehead gently against his "I couldn't get you out my head or heart Lou, i didn't want too" He drops the softest kiss onto my lips and whispers "I'm sorry I put you through all this babe, I was a prick. I should have trusted you, it's just my stubborn and hot headed arse took a bit longer to realise that" I cup his beautiful face in both my hands "Lets not think about that now, okay? we're here now and we love each other, that's all that matters to me" We share a slow, gentle intimate kiss and I hope he feels all the love I'm pouring into it.

As we make our way towards Louis' room, we're peeling off layers of clothing, kissing and touching, exploring and relearning how each other feels again.

Explosions of lust, tenderness and love are bursting inside of me. It's an all consuming, can't live without him kind of love.

With beautifully delicate hands Louis lays me down on his bed and settles himself between my welcoming spread legs, I look up at his eyes glistening, smile soft and slightly flushed cheeks, I've never seen anything so perfect. I realise then that I've never felt so safe, so loved and so cared for in my whole entire life.

As I pull Louis towards me, skin on skin and connect our lips once more I think to myself, this is it for me, my true love, my future, my life. Anything on top of this feeling is now just going to be a bonus. Louis loving me and me loving him has given me the courage I didn't know I had in me to try for my dream career without having to worry about failing, to not be scared of my fear and to love honestly, fiercely and forever.

No matter what happens or where I go from here, I know I will be doing it with Louis by my side and with new found confidence and self esteem, strength and power and most importantly with unconditional love and support. 

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