Chapter 22

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Just on the other side of this door is possibly my new future, my new life and my Louis I say to myself as I climb out the taxi and wait for mum, Gem and Ben to join me. My hands are alittle clammy and I have nerves fluttering wildly in my tummy....but at the moment it's not about the singing it's all because I will see Louis in just a few seconds.

Ben holds the door open for mum and she hobbles in on her crutches. "H, my dude" I look up from making sure mum's safely through the door to Liam who's coming towards me now. "Li, good to see you" I just manage to say as he pulls me in for a hug. As we hug I look over his shoulder towards the bar, my heart drops from my chest because I see Niall and Zayn but no Louis. Where is he?? I try to not let the disappointment show on my face as I pull away from Liam to help mum towards the bar for a seat. "Mum, this is Niall, Liam and Zayn" I point to each of them after she's sat down and handed her crutches off to Gem.

"Nice to meet you. It's so good to see you up and about. We have all been worried about our H and yourself" Niall says as he shakes the hand she's offered to him. "Thank you Niall, it's nice to here my boys got such lovely, caring friends here" I smile at her from the seat next to her and pull her into my side for a small hug. "Okay, drinks, What are we all having?" Zayn says with a little wink in my direction.

I've been nursing a beer for the last 10 minutes and trying to subtly take in the whole bar, just in case he appears. Mum seems to be having a lovely time getting to know the lads, at least that's making me smile. "Niall" I whisper as I reach over the bar and nudge his arm, trying to get his attention. "What's up?" he says as he leans forward onto the bar and rests on his elbows. "Is he coming tonight?" I stutter out quietly. Niall offers me a sympathetic smile "H, I honestly don't know. I asked him again this morning to be here and all I got back was I dunno. That letter of yours, has clearly affected him, he doesn't let it out of his sight." I nod at him because I don't know what to say to that. My heart feels like it's being squeezed in my chest, I care for him so much it hurts. I'm so tense now that I roll my head from side to side and shoulders back and forth to try and release some of my stress. Mum sees me do it and immediately lays a hand on my lower back for comfort. "He's not here mum" I mumble out and avoid looking at her. "Aww darling, try not worry about that right now, let's deal with 1 thing at a time okay?" I slowly lift my eyes to look at her, shes looking at me with so much love in her eyes. I subtly nod "Yeah, I can do that" She's right though, I gotta focus on performing now and then I can go find Louis and sort out the rest.

"Showtime" Niall's words snap me from my thoughts, I rub my clammy trembling hands down my jeans nervously "Yep, showtime" I whisper and stand from my seat. I give mum a quick hug and Gem a little squeeze on the shoulder as I make my way to the side of the stage and watch Niall as he steps in front of the mic centre stage.

"Evening everyone" he grins out to the packed bar. "You all know how it works here, I start the night off and then anyone who wants to can get up here and give it a go." He pauses for a minute as he loops his guitar around his neck "Tonight's extra special though ladies and gents, because one of my boys has decided to get up here and let you all hear how amazing he his" He turns his head towards me, nods with a little smile on his face and then turns back to the audience, then he starts to play.

I like the way you talk, I like the things you wear

I want your number tattooed on my arm in ink, I swear

Cause when the morning comes, I know you won't be there

Every time I turn around, you disappear

I wanna blow your mind, just come with me, I swear

I'm gonna take you somewhere warm, you know j'adore la mer

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