Stress Relief|Hailee Steinfeld*

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You are going to a school event and you are seniors. Reader is G!P (smut warning)

"These events are so boring. I hate them so much," y/n says to her friends as they walk into where the event is held. "Yeah, tell me about it," her friend answers. "At least there are enough seats to sit together and at the back," she adds. 

"Yeah" Y/n mumbles. They all sit down and chat while waiting for the event to start in 10 minutes. Slowly all the chairs around them are filled up and the event is about to start. 

That's when Hailee walks in barely on time. She scans the area to find an empty chair, but there doesn't seem to be any. Hailee sighs, annoyed as she didn't want to sit on the floor or go find a chair. She wanted to just leave, but there was a teacher outside making sure no one tried to skip.

Y/n notices this, Hailee and Y/n don't have the best association as Y/n often liked to tease the girl. Hailee didn't really like it, but she usually just ignored her. 

"There's a seat here," Y/n says. "What? Where?" Hailee says, confused. Although Hailee pretended like she didn't like Y/n's teasing, she actually had a pretty big crush on her. But so did half of the school, so Hailee never thought she would actually have a chance so thought it was best to ignore Y/n's comments.

"Right here," Y/n says, gesturing to her lap, smirking. The event was starting, so Hailee didn't feel like dealing with this right now. So she decided that the easiest solution right now is to do just that. So she did. 

Y/n was surprised but smirked to herself as she pulled Hailee closer by her waist. Hailee's breath hitched in her throat as Y/n pulled her closer, but she quickly relaxed and realized the butterflies in her stomach. This was going to be a long event, she thought to herself.

The event was supposed to last for at least 2 hours. Hailee decided that she wanted to be bold today, so she kept adjusting the way she was sitting, hoping to turn Y/n on while pretending like she didn't know what she was doing. Hailee knew that Y/n had a dick. It was no secret. The whole school knew after some girl spread the rumour. 

Y/n didn't care that people knew. She wasn't hiding it in the first place. She was actually always joking around with her friends, who mostly consisted of guys about how well she could please the women. 

Y/n was pretty good at controlling herself, so when Hailee kept moving over it, it only got a little hard. Barely noticeable, Hailee could feel it slightly though it was subtle. Y/n knew that Hailee was teasing her on purpose, trying to make her horny, but it wasn't gonna work unless she let it.

It was 30 minutes into the event and Hailee settled down a little, realizing that she wasn't having the effect she hoped she would. Y/n's phone then started vibrating in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw that she had an important phone call she needed to take. 

Y/n's parents owned a business and Y/n was running it with them. "Sorry darling, I need to take this," Y/n whispers into Hailee's ear. Hailee moved off Y/n's lap and sat in her chair when she moved. Hailee couldn't lie she was turned on by Y/n's voice as she whispered in her ear.

Hailee's plan had backfired as she didn't really affect Y/n that much, whereas Y/n completely turned her on just by whispering in her ear. 

Y/n quietly left the room and the teacher outside was gone. Y/n snuck over to the bathrooms to take the call as she didn't want to get in trouble with any teachers passing by for being out. 

It had been about 10 minutes and Y/n wasn't coming back. Hailee needed to use the bathroom so she went to use it not realizing Y/n was in there. 

She entered the bathroom and saw Y/n stressed out pacing up and down the bathroom while on a phone call. Y/n saw Hailee come in but didn't acknowledge her as she kept arguing over the phone with the marketing director of the company.

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