Cheater|Hailee Steinfeld*

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You went out early this morning for work. It was supposed to be a busy day but you ended up finishing a couple of hours early as one of your clients didn't show up.

Since the scheduled client would have taken around 3 hours you had now finished at 2pm instead of your usual finish at five.

You weren't sure whether you should be happy or not as you got to go home early but it also sucks when clients don't show up and don't at least give notice as you ended up waiting for them a while in case they were just late.

You made your way home nonetheless, shooting your boyfriend Griffin a quick text that you were on your way home.

You walked in the front door 15 minutes later and the apartment was quiet. You didn't think much of it and walked to your room.

You opened the door casually before looking up "what the fuck" you say as your eyes land on your boyfriend, fucking another girl.

"Y-y/n" he says shocked "you weren't supposed to be home for a few hours" he gasps out as his heart beats rapidly.

You were frozen in your spot for a few seconds before looking at the girl to see none other than your best friend. You shake your head in disapproval before you turn and leave the room.

"Wait Y/n, please let's talk about this" Griffin says loudly before you leave ear shot. You continued walking however, getting in your car and driving away.

You didn't even know where to go in this situation, you just drove mindlessly for a little while. Once you started looking around you realized that you were close to a familiar neighborhood.

You decided fuck it and went and knocked on the door. Hailee opened the door a few moments later, her face laced with confusion.

"Y/n. What are you doing here?" Hailee asked, sounding uninterested. You never particularly got along. She noticed a hurt expression in your eyes.

"Can I come in?" You ask softly causing Hailee to raise an eyebrow. "Sure I guess. I'm not sure why you're coming here though, we're not that close." Hailee mumbled.

"I was just driving around and ended up in the area" you say truthfully. Hailee goes to speak but you speak first. "What would you do if I kissed you right now?" You ask out of nowhere.

Hailee swallows her words before looking at you trying to figure out if your question really meant anything. All she could really think about was what happened between you and her brother that you came here asking for this.

You stepped closer to her leaning down slightly. "Tell me to leave" you whisper, thinking she doesn't want you. You knew that you would not want to leave by your own free will.

"Don't" is all Hailee said before she closed the small gap between you and connected your lips in a passionate kiss as her arms made their way around your neck.

Your hands trailed to her hips as you pulled her body into yours. You slowly made your way into her room and plopped down on her bed.

Hailee climbed on top of you connecting your lips again, grinding into you slowly. She pulled off her shirt as she pulled away from you and you sat up to remove your own.

"Are you sure about this?" Hailee asks and you nod. "yes, I've wanted this for so long" you whisper into her lips. You knew it was bad that you fantasized about your boyfriends sister but at least you didn't actually do anything about it unlike him who has been fucking your best friend for who knows how long.

Hailee attached her lips to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses as her hands worked on taking off your bra. She kissed a trail down your body, pulling off your trousers and underwear once she got to the waistline.

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