Home|Alex Danvers

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You were in the army and met Alex between deployments. You met her at a night out and instantly connected.

You exchanged phone numbers at the end of the night and began to text frequently. You asked Alex out on a date a few days after.

You continued to go on dates and talk while you were back in National City. You made sure to tell Alex about being in the army after the first date so she would know what she was getting herself into.

She didn't mind the fact, she knew that you would be away for long periods of time but she was almost always busy at work anyway and thought she could live with that.

You spent every moment of your time home with her when you could. This was already the second deployment since you met.

As far as Alex was aware, you are supposed to be back in a weeks time. You have been dating for a year and a half now, but you and Alex have yet to tell anyone about your relationship.

Now that you were gone for a year, Alex couldn't wait for you to come back as she missed you so much.


You were able to go home a few days earlier than planned, so you decided to surprise Alex.

You had a key to her apartment as you spent most of your time there when you were with Alex, so she thought you should have one just in case.

Once you got back to National City, you stopped by a shop to get her some flowers and her favourite sweets.

You made your way to her apartment quietly. You knew how to be really quiet and stealthy when you needed to, having been in the army for a few years.

You didn't even need to use your key as the door was already unlocked. You could hear her talking with someone. You didn't really care though as you and Alex had already planned to tell people after you got back from this deployment.

You quietly placed the flowers and the chocolates on the kitchen counter as you began approaching the living room area.

"What do you call a fake Bolognese?" You hear an unfamiliar voice say as another person let's out a soft chuckle at the unusual joke. "Uhh," you hear Alex say as she thinks.

"An impasta," you say as you round the corner, having heard the joke before. You see Alex's back facing you as she freezes from shock for a second, having heard your voice unexpectedly.

She turns around quickly to look at you. "Who i-" one of the strangers begins to say as Alex leaps over the back of the couch. "Oh my god Y/n" she practically screams as she jumps into your arms.

You chuckle lightly as you catch her, spinning her slightly as she kisses you. "I missed you," you whisper into her ear as you pull away from the kiss. "I missed you so much," Alex replies.

"What the fuck is happening right now?" a blonde woman who you learn to be Kara whispers to the other woman.

You thought that the dark haired woman looked familiar but you couldn't quite place it, where you know her from.

"I have no idea" she says back. "But you said a bad word" the woman whispers back smirking at Kara as she knows that Kara never curses.

Kara clears her throat to remind you two that they were here as you and Alex were getting a bit too touchy in her opinion.

"Right, sorry" Alex begins as she gets out of your arms. "This is Y/n.. my girlfriend" Alex says after a short pause, as she realizes that it was quite obvious.

"Y/n, this is my sister Kara and our friend Lena" Alex says concluding the introductions. "oh yeah.. Lena Luthor right? I thought you looked familiar" you say. "It's a pleasure to meet you both" you say politely as you shake their hands.

They do the same, as they are still visibly very shocked and still processing the situation, or at least Kara is anyway.

"Give us a moment" you say as you lead Alex towards the kitchen. As soon as you are out of view she connects your lips again in a passionate kiss.

You reciprocate the kiss, but pull away a little while later. "You have guests" you whisper. "So?" Alex questions. You give her a look which brings her back to her senses.

"Anyway I got you flowers and your favourite chocolates" you say as you gesture to the counter.

"Oh I love these," she says picking up the flowers and smelling them. She puts them in a vase and then takes her chocolates to share with her guests. "Let's go back" she says

"Just one sec, I need to use the restroom and then I'll join you" you say, pecking her lips before walking away.

Alex goes back to the living room, seeing Lena and Kara briefly discussing the situation. Shock is still very visible on Karas face as she had no idea her sister was talking to anyone right now let alone dating.

Lena looks at Alex with a raised eyebrow in curiosity as she enters the room. No one says anything for a little while before Kara speaks up. "Explain yourself," she says in a serious tone.

"Explain what?" Alex asks not knowing what they want to hear. "That," Kara replies simply. "I'm gonna need you to be a little more specific," Alex tells her.

"How long?" Kara asks. "Uh it's kinda complicated, I guess." Alex starts but is quickly cut off by Kara "not really Alex, just answer the question," she demands.

"Hey watch your tone, I don't owe you shit" Alex snaps a bit. You heard most of the interaction as you approached the living room, you could tell Alex was tense.

"A y-year" Alex finally mumbles an answer just as you enter the room giving her a look knowing damn well that it's been longer then that.

"Okay, okay fine, 18 months. We've been together for 18 months," she answers quickly. You saw Karas jaw drop as you sat down next to Alex.

In reality, you've only spent around 3 months together as you were deployed the rest of the time, but you became official 18 months ago.

Regardless of having spent way less time together, you still knew everything about each other, as if you were really together the entire time.

You all continue talking for a while. You and Alex explain to them that the reason you kept your relationship secret was because of you being in the army and being gone a lot of the time.

Kara wasn't happy that Alex didn't tell her, but she felt bad that she hadn't noticed either. But having been told that you were gone for a year, she felt better as she had no way to notice when you weren't actively here.

All in all, the night ended on a good note. You got to know Kara and Lena better and vice versa. You got along with them great and there was zero awkwardness or tension left by the end of the night.

You got good at getting to know people very quickly while being in the army. You knew just what questions to ask to really get to know a person and their character.

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