Twins|Florence Pugh

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You were preparing dinner as your girlfriend, Florence, was coming over. The relationship was still relatively new, so you tried your best to impress her.

You have dated for just under two months, and that time has been the best of your life. It feels so different from any other relationship you've had before.

You fully believed that Florence was out of your league, but you shot your shot anyway and was left pleasantly surprised by her answer.

You had first met her on set and you couldn't believe how perfect she was. You were the production coordinator on the set to make sure the setup ran smoothly without delays.

You never thought that she would even notice you, let alone go out with you. It was a very long and time-consuming project, a lot of time was spent on set, so you slowly got to know her.

Florence was the first to approach you, on one random day during a break. You remember she had asked you something about the set or your job, you couldn't quite remember as you were shocked she even spoke to you.

You chatted for the duration of the break, first about work and then more casual topics. After your first conversation things just escalated. You started chatting a lot or shared smiles as you passed by each other.

You were crushing on her hard, but you never even considered making a move as an option. That was until the last day of set as you wrapped up filming. You figured what's the worst that could happen since you likely wouldn't see her again.

It was funny the way it happened because Florence had the same plan of asking you out on the last day too, she felt a connection with you like with no one before and she knew she had to give it a chance.

You went out for dinner that very same night to celebrate the completion of the filming. A couple weeks into dating, it already felt like you had known her forever.

You were honestly shocked just how compatible you were. You and Florence loved cooking together, but this time you took the reigns and decided to cook something new, something different and you hoped she would like it.

You had at home dates a lot but this time your sister will be third wheeling as she is visiting from London, where she currently lives.

You made sure to give Florence a heads up about your sister to make sure it was okay or if she would prefer to go out. Florence, of course said it was fine and that she was excited to meet your sibling.


Florence knocked on the door softly as she arrived at your house. You asked your sister to open the door as you were busy finishing up with cooking.

She opened the door and before she had a chance to introduce herself or say anything, Florence pulled her in and kissed her lips softly, a habit she had gotten into over the last number of weeks.

Your sister blinked in shock as she took a moment to process the information. "Uhh," she mumbled as a deep red rose to her cheeks.

"What?" Florence asked, confused at the weird behaviour. "Y/n is in the kitchen," your sister says as she clears her throat.

Flo's eyes widen in shock. "Huh?" She mumbles in confusion, struggling to put her thoughts together.

"Twins," your sister says simply. "Twins?... Oh my god twins. I am so sorry. " Florence apologizes as she realizes she just kissed your sister. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

Florence quickly walks into the kitchen, followed by your sister. "Hey babe," you say with a smile before raising a questioning eyebrow at their matching reddened faces.

"A warning that your sister is a twin would have been nice, don't you think?" Florence asks sarcastically. You give her a weird look at the tone, not really seeing why it was that important.

"Oh wait," you said out loud as you realized. "Did you kiss my sister?" You ask, trying to hold back a laugh. That would explain why your sister was so red, probably from the embarrassment and awkwardness of the situation.

"It's not funny," Florence whines as she approaches you, causing you to pull her into a hug as you laugh. "It kind of is," you snicker.

'Sorry,' you mouth to your sister as you hug your girlfriend tightly. "I'm going to die of embarrassment," Flo mumbles into your chest, "please don't." You laugh out as she pulls away from the hug.

You lean in to kiss her, but she moves her head, letting you kiss her cheek instead. "No kisses for you," Florence says in a serious tone. "What? Not fair, " you whine playfully.

"Well maybe you should have told me that your sister is your twin, an identical one at that," Flo says playfully as she walks away from you.

Dinner was a little bit awkward, to say the least. Florence did however notice slight differences between the twins as she had more time to observe your sister.

If she had known your sister was a twin, she would have looked better before kissing her. She for sure would have seen the difference if she had known to look for it.


After dinner, your sister went to her room and you to yours, Florence following you. "I can't believe you did that to me," Florence says as she rubs her face with her palms.

"You're the one that cheated on me with my sister, so" you say in a joking manner, receiving a disapproving look from your girlfriend.

"I traumatized your sister. All that could have been avoided if you told me that she was your twin, " Flo says over exaggerating.

"Well maybe don't make out with my sister next time and you won't traumatize her," you smirk. "You're so annoying," Flo mumbles as she pushes you playfully, "and we didn't make out. It was just a peck," Flo defends.

"You know what, it was my fault, sure. But for future reference, that excuse is not going to fly, " you tell her with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh. my. god. I literally hate you, " Florence chuckles, "I love you too, " you chirp back as you pull her into your chest.

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