
949 15 10

June 4th, 2021
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Layla's POV

Everything was dark. Layla's vision wouldn't come back to her, but she could still hear her name.


Layla tried to open her eyes, but they weren't listening to her. She tried listening to voices.

"Is Layla breathing?"


Layla could make out different voices belonging to her friends. One was Mrs. Nowhere, and the other was Echo.


Layla groaned as she forced herself to open her eyes.

"Tony isn't breathing!"

Light blinded Layla as she lifted her head. The first thing she saw was Tony laying on the ground, Echo performing CPR on him.


Frostee and Shashi appeared by Layla's side, helping her a she sat up.

"Are you alright?"

Layla looked at Frostee, confused. She couldn't remember what happened that got her in this position.

"What happened?"

"Right, it happened so fast I bet you don't remember. Let's get you back inside first."

Frostee tried to help Layla up, but she refused.

"What about Tony?"

"Don't worry about him. Worry about yourself!"

Shashi yelled at Layla but ignored him as Echo looked at her with concern written all over her face.

"He's not breathing, Layla!"

Layla's heart stopped as she moved faster than anyone noticed to Tony's side.



Layla said as she shoved Echo out of the way and started compression on Tony's chest.

"Damn it Toretto. Please."

Nothing was happening as Layla pressed her hands onto Tony's chest. She knew that time was starting to run out.

"Tony, please come back."

Layla gave up on compressing. Everyone was watching as she put her mouth on Tony's and started the mouth-to-mouth process. She kept going for about 30 seconds before Tony gagged and started coughing out water. Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at their friends.

Tony didn't wake up, but everyone could hear his raspy breathing. Layla fell back, breathing hard. She tried to catch up on everything that happened in those short moments she was awake.

"Let's get both of them to the infirmary."

Echo said as she walked over to Layla and helped her up. She kept Layla's arm draped around her shoulders as they walked into the plane that drifted in the ocean. Layla took a small glance back, noticing Cisco picking up Tony and was following Echo and her back inside. What bothered Layla though was that she saw Shashi nearly snarled at Tony before Gary and Mrs. Nowhere walked up to him.

Layla looked back at their path, walking through the corridors of the plane. Soon, they were in the infirmary as a gruff gentleman looked towards Layla.

"Oh no, no, no. This won't do at all!"

The man got up from his chair and walked towards the group. He gently grabbed Layla's face and moved it around.

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